Lauren Waters

Photo of Lauren Waters
New Jersey, USA
Muhlenberg College
Red Carpet Fashion, Hallmark Christmas Movies, Beauty
  • Lauren joined Women Lifestyle as a News Writer in 2022.
  • She loves tuning in early for every red carpet and major event to craft her latest worst-dressed list.
  • As a holiday movie aficionado, Lauren loves reporting Hallmark Channel news.


Lauren has contributed to multiple Alb Media brands since joining Women Lifestyle, where she now writes full-time. In addition to Women Lifestyle, Lauren also writes about TV and movies for and In the past, she has written for Suggest and FizzyMag where she wore many hats, from writing as a news, fashion, celebrity news, and beauty columnist to acting as a viral article writer, sex columnist, and beauty editor. Lauren's first love is writing plays; she specializes in comedies and books for musicals. She also loves writing about the ever-changing trend cycle, newly discovered life hacks from makeup to relationships, and whatever's currently filling HBO's Sunday 9 p.m. time slot.


Lauren has a bachelor's degree in English and creative writing from Muhlenberg College.

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Stories By Lauren Waters