Sophia Blush

Photo of Sophia Blush
Düsseldorf, Germany
Vassar College
Celebrity Style, Fashion Trends, Popular Culture And Entertainment
  • Sophia won the Beatrice Daw Prize for Poetry from her alma mater, Vassar College.
  • In 2022, she lived in Paris, where she was able to enjoy model spotting during Fashion Week.
  • She once worked on costumes for the movie "The Greatest Race: Rome's Chariot Superstar."


Sophia has worked as a professional writer since 2022. She started as a fashion copywriter for BL8K, writing articles on topics such as the history of Carhartt and reviews for Fashion Week. She joined Alb Media in November of 2023. She channels her love of sustainable fashion, pop culture, and beauty through her articles for Women Lifestyle and her TikTok profile.


Sophia has a B.A. in media studies from Vassar College.

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Stories By Sophia Blush