Rebecca Geiser

Photo of Rebecca Geiser
Akron, Ohio
Days Of Our Lives, Taylor Swift, Hallmark Movies
  • Rebecca interviewed rising star Tory Vagasy (America's Got Talent) on her blog, The Overture.
  • She published a short story in the undergrad literary journal, Zip Tied.
  • She has been watching "Days of Our Lives" with her family since she was young, and never misses an episode.


Rebecca has worked in many student organizations while in college and gained experience writing through her own personal projects. She joined the University of Akron's chapter of Her Campus (a student-run blog) in 2021 and contributed to their website for two years. In 2022, she created her own blog, The Overture, focused on musical theater content. She has been watching and obsessing over various soap operas for years and is now using her knowledge to write soap opera news articles for Women Lifestyle.


Rebecca has a bachelor's degree in media studies and a certification for professional social media from the University of Akron.

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Stories By Rebecca Geiser