Hannah LaFond

Photo of Hannah LaFond
New York, NY
Brigham Young University
Netflix Reality Shows, Taylor Swift, Vintage Fashion Trends
  • During her undergrad, Hannah took classes in fashion design, pop culture, and media literacy.
  • She discovered her love for reality dating shows while interviewing the cast of Netflix's "The Ultimatum."
  • She's interviewed some of her favorite celebrities, including Drew Afualo, Kristin Chenoweth, and Katie Couric.


After graduating college, Hannah had an internship for the arts and entertainment section of a local newspaper, where she started writing about films, TV, music, and live shows. Since then, she's worked as a freelance journalist primarily focused on pop culture, fashion trends, and the arts. She's had a short story published in the New York Times and articles in Deseret News, The City Journals, Women Lifestyle, Health Digest, and Nicki Swift.


Hannah has a B.A. in communications from Brigham Young University.

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Stories By Hannah LaFond