Everything We Know About Jennifer Garner's Kids

Transitioning from a chemistry major to a lucrative actor is a feat Jennifer Garner can say she's accomplished. The Texas native experienced humble beginnings as she chased a career in acting alongside working as a hostess in New York. Despite her periodic appearances on projects like "Significant Others" and "Felicity" in 1998, it was her role as the double agent Sydney Bristow in "Alias" that brought her promising career to life. In addition to racking up several awards — from a Screen Actors Guild award to a Golden Globe — the multifaceted actor found consistent work in films such as "Dude, Where's My Car?," "Pearl Harbor," "13 Going on 30," "Yes Day," and "The Adam Project" (via IMDb).

After conquering the world of acting, Garner has since taken pride in her motherly duties ever since she introduced her firstborn in 2005. As the mother of Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel Affleck — whom she shares with actor Ben Affleck — Garner is notorious for being a mother that puts her kids first. According to the "Alias" actor, she wants to display the best version of herself for her kids' sake (via Today). Though her kids live rather humble and ordinary lives, she is selective about what she shares with the general public. Nonetheless, Garner has been sure to express how interesting she finds her three children — from their note-worthy critiques of their mother's parenting style to their bilingual endeavors.

Violet Affleck voiced her dislike toward the paparazzi

Following Violet Affleck's birth in 2005, the mother-and-daughter duo appeared to have had a hard time adjusting to the relentless invasion of privacy that photographers ever-so-often disregarded. "I never had a day without them," Jennifer Garner said (via The Hollywood Reporter). "If I made it to a park by hiding in the bottom of the pool man's truck or something, then a nanny would see me there and call a number and they'd swarm."

Garner's distaste for paparazzi eventually led to a local meeting in which she, and other celebrity moms, voiced their need for protection against these alleged stalkers. Seemingly influenced by the influx of victims, Violet shared her opinions on the unwanted public attention she and her family were receiving. Despite her young age at the time, Garner stated that Violet has always been "hyper-articulate" (via The Hollywood Reporter) so speaking out didn't come as a surprise to the "Peppermint" actor. However, seeing Violet convey her displeasure toward the paparazzi spoke volumes to those in attendance. According to Garner, the eldest Affleck child declared: "We didn't ask for this. We don't want these cameras, they're scary. The men are scary, they knock each other over and it's hard to feel like a kid when you're being chased."

Jennifer Garner's kids are not allowed to have Instagram accounts

In 2013, Jennifer Garner fought alongside Halle Berry to enforce laws against photographers who harass the children of public figures (via The Guardian). Garner spoke about the experience on Katie Couric's podcast "Next Question with Katie Couric" in 2019. With her mommy duties being the topic of the discussion, Couric posed a question regarding Garner's daughter's use of social media. Though Garner has an Instagram account, she proclaimed that her only reason for creating a profile was to promote the organic baby food company Once Upon a Farm. "It was very much part of the deal, and I did it kicking and screaming, but that's how much I wanted to be involved with this company," she told Couric (via iHeart).

Despite her views on Instagram, she understands the appeal. However, that didn't prevent her from forbidding her daughter Violet Affleck from using social media altogether. While she pointed out how it may seem hypocritical she said: "I am modeling the opposite of what I want for her to do," she stated (via iHeart). With Violet growing up, it was only a matter of time before she wanted to create a profile herself. According to Garner, whenever her daughter brings up the topic, she would respond: "When you can show me studies that say that teenage girls are happier using Instagram than not, then we can have the conversation."

Violet Affleck is fluent in Spanish

Although Jennifer Garner's first language is English, she is well-versed in Spanish due to her role as the hyperpolyglot agent Sydney Bristow in "Alias." A similar feat was accomplished by Ben Affleck when his early career in acting had him in Mexico for a year to shoot Season 2 of "The Voyage of the Mimi" — an educational program dedicated to teaching children about historical landmarks (via IMDb). "I did this little kids TV series when I was young, and when I was 13, that season that year was in Mexico," Ben Affleck said on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" (via YouTube). "So I was in Mexico for a year and that's how I picked it up," he recalled.

Because of this, we can see where their children get their bilingual talents from. During his interview with Kelly Clarkson, Affleck revealed how fluent his daughter was in Spanish. "All of sudden she's gotten to the grade where she's like, in the harder Spanish classes," he told Clarkson. "She's like, right at the point where I think she might be passing me." According to Garner, it's something that her kids are learning from a young age. From Samuel Affleck picking it up in pre-school to one of her daughters winning a Spanish spelling bee, it seems as though Garner is raising them to be well-informed in other languages outside of English (via YouTube).

Seraphina Affleck thinks Jennifer Garner is a 'fun-killing mom'

Judging from her stern views on social media, it's assumed that Jennifer Garner — despite her bubbly personality — is a strict parent. Although we know she doesn't act without reason, that sense of control can be a nightmare for kids to navigate through. During her appearance on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," she acknowledged this side of herself when it comes to parenting. "I am so lame," she said (via YouTube). "I say no to everything. They call me the dragon. They have all these names for me." This is why she incorporated a family tradition based on the children's book "Yes Day" — a full 24 hours in which she has to say "yes" to whatever her children want to do.

Following Seraphina Affleck's birth in 2009, "Yes Day" seemingly became a favorite book among the family. Apparently, Seraphina gravitated toward this book because Garner is known to kill the fun. In 2018, Garner shared a note on Instagram written by her middle child that read: "When I grow up, I want to be a fun-killing mom, just like you!" Despite being discontent with the actor's parental methods, Seraphina appears to be grateful to have Garner as a mother. Fortunately, Garner didn't take it too harshly as she jokingly stated that she was unsure if she should pass it off as light-hearted banter or an extremely flattering compliment.

The birth of Samuel Affleck overwhelmed Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck introduced their third child Samuel Garner Affleck in 2012. Though Garner has gone on to express the joys of being a mother by saying "every phase of motherhood is its own beautiful, mysterious, magical, kind of heaven" (via YouTube), she also expressed the sense of anxiety that growing a family may cause. While motherhood is a tough gig which Garner happily signed up for, the birth of Samuel seemingly overwhelmed the actor. During her appearance on "Conan" in 2012, she revealed that having three kids was hard for her. "You know how two feels like six? Three just put me right over the edge," she stated (via YouTube).

Despite Garner wanting children, it seemed like the idea of increasing the number of heads within her household reminded her of the responsibility that awaited her. So much so, that she almost decided to quit acting altogether due to her full-time job as a mother (via People). In 2021, the "Yes Day" actor told Julia Cunningham of SiriusXM just how bad her motherly woes got following Samuel's birth. "I think when I look back at that time, that third kid, oh, I'm so glad I have him, but I was so overwhelmed," she revealed (via YouTube). "I almost don't remember the first year of his life. I was just so overwhelmed by an infant-toddler-little-kid combo."

Samuel and Seraphina Affleck have a close bond

The relationship between siblings is just as meaningful as the relationship between a mother and her kids. While all of Jennifer Garner's children are sweet in their own way, each of them carries certain qualities that make them separate from one another. Violet Affleck plays her elderly sibling role quite well. According to In Touch Weekly, an insider told the publication that Violet not only shares similar interests with her mom but keeps a close eye on her siblings at all times. "Violet's extremely protective of Seraphina and Samuel and really watches out for her siblings," a source expressed. "She's extremely mature for her age."

Another insider shared that Samuel and Seraphina Affleck seem to have an impressive relationship with each other. Judging from the fun-killing-mom note, it's safe to assume that Seraphina is the bold one of the three. The source told In Touch Weekly that while Samuel is the complete opposite, he is "beginning to come out of his shell." In true opposites-attracting-opposites fashion, it seems that Seraphina's outgoing personality compliments Samuel's shyness quite well. "He looks up to his older sisters and has a unique bond with Seraphina," the insider revealed. "The two of them spend hours playing together. They squabble at times like all siblings, but generally speaking, they get on."

Jennifer Garner ensures her son follows a strict skincare regime

Jennifer Garner has made it known that her secret to ageless skin is a consistent use of eye creams, retinol, and — most importantly — sunscreen. With her passion for skincare leading her to become the spokesperson for the beauty company Neutrogena, we could assume that Garner wants her children to get a head start in skincare as soon as possible. According to Garner, she wasn't as knowledgeable as a child as she is now on how important skincare is. "When I was really young, no one thought of the sun as being a problem," she stated (via People). "We would put on baby oil and lay in the sun to try to get brown," she said.

Garner luckily avoided a string of long-term damage the sun could've caused to her skin. To prevent that from happening to any of her kids, the "13 Going on 30" star made it known that anyone under her roof must follow proper skincare precautions — even her son Samuel (via People). Despite his young age, Garner said she is set on Samuel having a dedicated skincare routine. "I don't care if he's 9 and he's never heard of a pimple," she told People. "I don't care, you have to do it." While it may be hard for a child to understand the importance of skincare, one day he'll be thankful he had a head start in something most people don't consider until it's too late.

Samuel Affleck got into a car accident

What was supposed to be a father and son rendezvous quickly turned into a disaster as Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck's son Samuel Affleck got into a car accident in June 2022. With Garner extinguishing all the fun at home, it seems that Samuel got carried away during a day out with his father. When Affleck visited a car dealership in Los Angeles, the Academy-Award winner permitted his son to get behind the wheels of a costly Lamborghini Urus. According to the New York Post, Samuel reversed the car shortly after getting in — crashing into a white BMW parked behind it. "When [Samuel] got into the car, it jerked back and forth," an employee told the New York Post. "We have a small lot and the cars are close."

Samuel — who was seemingly distraught — jumped out alongside his father to see how significant the damage was. Luckily, nobody was hurt nor were there any apparent damages after the accident. Due to this, an employee told the New York Post that the two continued to browse their dealership. "Affleck loves cars," they stated. "We hope they come in again." Though Garner never commented on the situation, it's safe to assume that she's glad it wasn't anything severe. For Samuel's sake, we can bet that Garner and Affleck will prolong his driving desires until he reaches the proper age to sit in the driver's seat.

Their head lice left a seemingly lasting impression on George Clooney

According to Jennifer Garner, an inevitable part of being a parent is having to receive a phone call from your children's school to be informed about a lice outbreak — something which she experienced with Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel Affleck.

What she referred to as "the call" saw her and her family contract the easily transmittable infestation. Garner shared that they all had to drench their hair in oil to treat the condition. "It looks like you put Crisco in your hair, but you smell a little bit like a mixture of sulfur and rosemary," she told Jimmy Fallon (via YouTube). "And you do it every day, for months."

While many would use this time to quarantine themselves, Garner stated that she had met a notable celebrity during this time. Ben Affleck — who was open to leaving the house with the sulfur and rosemary stench — persuaded Garner to leave the kids with a babysitter so they could go to a party. Upon arriving, the "Juno" actor stated that the first person she ran into was none other than George Clooney. From their initial greetings, Garner sensed that the aroma from her medicated treatment got to Clooney. Despite his politeness about the situation, she is sure he could smell something strange coming from her. One thing is for sure; Garner is on her toes to make sure another outbreak of that magnitude doesn't happen again.

They think their father isn't cool

During her appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" in 2012, Jennifer Garner revealed that her kids are seemingly enthralled by their father Ben Affleck. So much so that Violet and Seraphina Affleck enjoyed his company during tea parties, even when he appeared to be withdrawn from the activity itself. "He can do it without using any energy at all," Garner told Ellen DeGeneres (via YouTube). "He can sit there and be almost asleep and they think they're having an incredible game with him."

According to the actor himself, however, their views on his "coolness" shifted over the years. The father of three revealed that he doesn't appear to be cool in front of his kids and that he finds himself aspiring to achieve a simple conversation with them regarding their interests. Unfortunately for the multitalented actor, this seems to be a difficult feat to accomplish. When an interviewer suggested that his kids must be grateful for having such an awesome dad, Affleck responded: "You might think so, but you would be wrong ... If you're somebody's parent, you're not cool to somebody in the world ... That's part of life. You realize there's something kind of healthy about embarrassing your kids," he said (via Extra). Though he may not be a "cool" parent, we're sure his children still love him dearly.

They still have a great relationship with their dad

In 2015, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck decided to split — eventually finalizing their divorce three years later. For the parents of three, this didn't come easy as they knew that their children would be affected by this decision (via People). In many cases, we see one parent become estranged while the other remains dedicated to their duties as a parent. Despite their reasonings for prolonging their relationship's inevitable demise, Garner and Affleck saw this as a necessary step in their lives to improve their own sense of well-being. During her appearance on Today, Garner revealed that although co-parenting will be difficult, the two will "make it work."

While the two went on to have relationships of their own, the duo appear to be great co-parents to Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel Affleck. Though we're aware of Garner's relationship with her beloved children, Affleck seems to maintain a strong relationship with them as well. According to Entertainment Tonight, a source claimed that Affleck and his wife Jennifer Lopez plan to have their kids celebrate the holidays together. In addition to this, it seems that Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel are comfortable with their blended family — and so is their mother. "Jen Garner is supportive and just wants her kids to be happy," the insider stated. "There is no bad blood."
