Rosemary Wojtkowski

Photo of Rosemary Wojtkowski
New Jersey, United States
West Chester University Of Pennsylvania
Lifestyle, Entertainment, Celebrity News, Pop Culture
  • Rosemary is always keeping up with the latest pop-culture trends, events, and breaking celebrity news stories! While working at Cosmopolitan Magazine, she has written multiple lifestyle-related stories and celebrity news stories on a daily basis.
  • Rosemary has experience writing for women's health magazines, student life publications, and entertainment websites from multiple internships and leadership positions on campus. These experiences have truly helped her grow as a writer and find her own voice.
  • Rosemary is incredibly organized in her research and has strong storytelling and grammar skills!


Rosemary has five years of experience writing about lifestyle topics and has always known that she wanted to work in the entertainment industry. She loves writing about celeb news, television shows, home decor, and beauty hacks. She's previously written for Cosmopolitan magazine, where she wrote stories for their website and printed issue while managing and producing content for several of their social media platforms. She's also worked at The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon at NBCUniversal, where she worked on the set of the live television show and was consistently researching celebrities to use in the opening monologue. She is witty, informed, and organized, and is a lover of all things pop culture.


Rosemary graduated from West Chester University of Pennsylvania in May 2020 where she studied Communication and Media Studies. Throughout her time in college, she has had multiple internship experiences in the entertainment industry, and she has written articles for websites of major brands, produced social media posts for high-profile platforms, and worked on the set of a live television show.

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Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, Women Lifestyle's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Rosemary Wojtkowski