Raegan Davies

Photo of Raegan Davies
Saint Joseph's University
Movies, Celebrity News, TV
  • Raegan is incredibly interested in popular culture and has been since elementary school.
  • She has been writing since she was in the 4th grade, and has explored the crafts of poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, and screenwriting.
  • Raegan spent her senior year of college both as a contributor for the campus newspaper as well as the features editor of out special commencement edition.


Raegan Davies is a literary Jack-of-all-trades. She first became interested in writing through a poetry contest in elementary school, and is now an aspiring screenwriter. She has been published in her campus newspaper as well as Saint Joseph's University's literary magazine Crimson and Gray.


Raegan Davies graduated with a B. A. in Theater and a minor in English from Saint Joseph's University. Her education has introduced her to all kinds of styles and formats of writing, from playwriting and screenwriting, to hard news and feature reporting.

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Stories By Raegan Davies