Paige McBride

Photo of Paige McBride
Milwaukee, WI
University Of Wisconsin-Madison
Health & Wellness, Royals, Mental Health
  • Paige is a news writer for Women Lifestyle.
  • She works as a yoga and meditation instructor specializing in healing from trauma through the nervous system.
  • She's written for Yoga Journal, Eco-Age and other wellness sites.


Paige has written her own Ebook on mental health and healing from trauma. She's written for outlets such as Yoga Journal, Eco-Age, Glam and more. Paige also runs a nervous system course centered around reducing anxiety through holistic procedures.


As a history major, Paige learned how to research and write long-form articles. Since then, her work in public relations and wellness has lent to her experience in health writing.

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Stories By Paige McBride