Nicole Bradley-Bernard

Photo of Nicole Bradley-Bernard
Central Washington University
Health, Wellness, Living
  • Nicole has written feature articles covering various celebrities from Demi Lovato to Donald Trump and written articles that covered various businesses, organizations, and upcoming designers in the fashion industry while working with FINE Magazine. She has also written articles about complex issues such as breastfeeding in public, changing your name after marriage, agoraphobia, etc.
  • Health and wellness articles are probably one of Nicole's favorite topics to cover — from mental health tips to how to keep your body healthy through lifestyle choices to whether probiotics actually work, she has covered it all and would like to cover it more.
  • From gift guides to the best foods to eat for optimal health to eco-friendly alternatives to everyday item, Nicole has covered lifestyle topics pretty extensively in her nearly five years of writing.


Nicole Bradley-Bernard has been writing professionally for five years. She has written a little bit of everything for publications such as FINE Magazine,, NYGal Magazine,, and more. While her preference tends to be writing health and wellness articles, Nicole enjoys the versatility of writing multiple types of articles that help readers learn something about a topic (even if it's a silly one). She is known for her "no-nonsense" approach and her unique voice.


Nicole received her A.A. degree from Yakima Valley College (YVC) in 2014 and then went on to earn her B.A. in English: Professional and Creative Writing from Central Washington University (CWU) at the end of 2016. At YVC, she took as many English, writing, and philosophy classes as she could fit into her schedule — all of which taught her how to think critically, write creatively (and analytically), and experience multiple sides to various issues from an unbiased perspective. At CWU, she studied writing exclusively for two years where she learned the professional elements, as well as the creative elements, of writing.

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Stories By Nicole Bradley-Bernard