Nickey Siegerman

Photo of Nickey Siegerman
Medford, New Jersey
Kutztown University Of Pennsylvania, West Chester University Of Pennsylvania
Mental Health, LGBTQIA+, Social Media,
  • Nickey is a member of Women Lifestyle News team.
  • She wants to teach others about mental health and the LGBTQIA+ community through writing. In addition to her narrative goals, Nickey has written seven books total — though she won't share half of them.
  • Nickey plans on becoming a fiction author in the Young Adult and New Adult genres.


Nickey grew up in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and always loved English. In high school, Nickey wrote fan fiction online for fun, but her efforts gained a both traction and fans. She soon realized writing could truly be her career choice. After her discovery, Nickey attended college and graduate school, and tightened her skills even more. Though most are still hidden in her computer, she hopes to publish her first novel within the next year. In total, she's finished seven books.


Nickey attended Kutztown University of Pennsylvania for English/Professional Writing. She graduated in 2019 with her undergraduate degree. She went on to receive her master's in English - Creative Writing from West Chester University, graduating in 2022.

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Stories By Nickey Siegerman