Marika Kazimierska

Photo of Marika Kazimierska
Adelphi University
Celebrity Relationships, Music News, All Things Bravo TV
  • One of Marika's must-needed items at the beach is a copy of the latest People magazine or a thriller novel.
  • She enjoys learning about her favorite celebrities, the latest makeup trends, and fashion, and she wishes she had hopped on the fashion influencer trend on Instagram.
  • A few of her favorite pieces she's written include "Hollywood's Messiest Love Triangles" and "Celeb Nepotism Babies Who Actually Deserve The Fame" for NickiSwift.


Marika has been a freelance writer for over 10 years. She has written for numerous online publications that mainly focus on celebrity news, gossip, and reality television. She has written for,, and, to name a few.


Marika graduated from Adelphi University in New York in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism.

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Stories By Marika Kazimierska