Malin Andersson

Photo of Malin Andersson
Kalamazoo, Michigan
University Of Michigan
Pop Culture, Royal Relationships, Wellness
  • Ever since Malin watched William and Kate's wedding with her mom in 2011, she has been captivated by the cultural traditions of royalty.
  • Malin also finds great interest in exploring how the publicity of royal life affects relationships.
  • She has written about and researched women's health and wellness for four years.


Malin is a professional writer who joined Women Lifestyle's features team in May 2023. Since then, she has been dedicated to exploring the latest stories in pop culture and examining what makes royal life so unique. Having worked with a wide range of collaborators, including environmental justice activists, academic researchers, artists, and CEOs, she has written, pitched, and published in-depth articles for nearly 10 years. Malin is enthusiastic about sharing all the latest stories that feed the soul on Women Lifestyle.


Malin received a B.A. in creative writing and literature from the University of Michigan.

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Stories By Malin Andersson