Lynn Gibbs

Photo of Lynn Gibbs
Cleveland, OH
Canisius University
The Real Housewives, The Office, Self-care
  • Lynn got the writing bug after writing for her university's newspaper. Realizing that it could become a career, she focused her efforts on her passions: health, wellness, and reality TV.
  • Lynn started her freelancing career writing about health & wellness after moving to Europe for her husband's hockey career. As an athletic family, health and wellness was an important topic, which Lynn knew needed to be shared.
  • Her love for writing about reality TV landed her as a virtual guest on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live in 2022.


Lynn has been a professional writer for eight years and has loved writing and sharing points of views with like-minded readers. After starting her freelance career in 2016, Lynn has written about everything from Bravo to mental health. She joined Women Lifestyle in 2022 to further her professional career and continue sharing her passion for reality TV and the mind + body connection.


Lynn attended Canisius University and has a Bachelor's Degree in Communications, a Minor in Integrated Marketing, and a Master's Degree in Sports Administration.

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Stories By Lynn Gibbs