Lauren Harby

Photo of Lauren Harby
Orlando, Florida
University Of Central Florida
Film History, TV, Travel
  • Lauren is a features writer for Alb Media.
  • In her continuous service in entertainment journalism, Lauren gained a background in interviewing industry professionals, notably from Summit Entertainment and MTV.
  • Lauren's previously published works include The Examiner and Buzzfeed, Inc.


Lauren's love and admiration for writing began at 12 years old, when she developed an enthusiasm for writing fan-fiction, with her younger sister begrudgingly acting as her editor and critic. Named after classic Hollywood actress Lauren Bacall, she naturally gravitated towards a passion for film and the arts. Lauren's first published work was with The Examiner, where she gained further opportunities, such as screening films, interviewing talent from the "Twilight" series, and interviewing the producer and host of MTV's "Unlocking the Truth." Lauren studied screenwriting, mass communications, and public affairs at the University of Central Florida. Lauren's pastimes include solo-traveling, hot yoga, and co-hosting dinner parties with her high school best friend.


During her time at the University of Central Florida, Lauren studied screenwriting and film history under the direction of some of Florida's most notable professionals in the industry. With a focus in mass communications and public affairs, Lauren strives to apply her knowledge to lifestyle and pop-culture journalism. Lauren's further academic aspirations include obtaining her Master's degree in communications.

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Stories By Lauren Harby