Julie Fallo

Photo of Julie Fallo
New York City, NY
Reality TV, Celebrity News, TV & Movie News
  • Julie has experience covering TV and movie news at global entertainment sites like Women Lifestyle and ScreenRant, where she is the resident Masked Singer expert.
  • Julie worked as a Reality TV Agent before making the transition to writing full-time professionally.
  • Julie spent years writing for industry publications as newsletters as a freelance writer and editor covering VIP events, movie and TV premieres, and even music festivals.


Julie has been in the entertainment industry for over a decade. Starting in the industry as a Reality TV Agent, she moved to freelance work as a writer and editor for industry publications covering glamourous VIP events and premieres before landing at ScreenRant's then brand-new Reality TV Division. She has since expanded to cover all things TV and movies. Julie brings a unique perspective to her writing as she combines years of being a fan of the programs and celebrities she covers with her inside industry experience.

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Stories By Julie Fallo