Joanna Mazewski

Photo of Joanna Mazewski
Orlando, FL
University Of Central Florida
Celebrity News, Royals, Travel
  • Joanna has more than 10 years of celebrity writing experience.
  • She has a strong writing voice and command of a variety of entertainment news topics.
  • Joanna is a self-described royal enthusiast.


Joanna Mazewski is a writer and editor who has traveled to all corners of the globe in search of the perfect snacks (and she found them at a convenience store in Tokyo) only to hide them from her kids. Joanna began her career as a personal assistant for one of the original screenwriters of the James Bond franchise. Her work has been featured in numerous publications, including Vogue Australia, Ad Week, Boston Common Magazine and interviewed by CNN, NBC Nightly News, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and more.


BA, University of Central Florida

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Stories By Joanna Mazewski