Jessie Lamb

Photo of Jessie Lamb
San Diego, CA
The University Of South Florida
Women's History, Personal Empowerment, Vintage Style
  • Jessie has interviewed dozens of experts and written numerous articles about relationships, sleeping habits, mental health, and more.
  • She enjoys writing about anything that sparks her curiosity, including health, history, astrology, celebrities, and more.
  • Jessie is a vintage fashion lover who prefers to dress like the protagonist of a '90s sitcom. She owns denim jackets from every decade since the '70s.


Jessie has been writing professionally since 2016. Her work has been featured on a variety of platforms, including The Women's Museum of California and Women Lifestyle. She is a SoCal-based digital media expert who collaborates with numerous brands and non-profit organizations. With her unique educational background, Jessie has made a career of delivering newsworthy information with an inquisitive, heartfelt style.


Jessie earned her bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of South Florida, where she minored in creative writing.

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Stories By Jessie Lamb