Jennifer Betts

Photo of Jennifer Betts
Millington, MI
Saginaw Valley State University
Skincare, Nail Trends, Exercise And Wellness
  • For over 15 years, Jennifer has been an award-winning writer and poet whose work has been consulted by experts from other media outlets and quoted in student English assignments.
  • Over the years, she has received awards for her dedication to detail and writing style like an 'Editor of the Month' award from for 'being thorough' and her 'quality responses to instructors'.
  • With the rise of TikTok and Instagram, Jennifer has developed a new obsession with hairstyle and makeup hacks. She can be found spending her free time reviewing and improving new trends.


Jennifer has worked as a professional writer for more than 15 years. It all started when a part-time job as a ghostwriter sparked her passion for the written word. Interested to see how far writing could take her, Jennifer started working for in 2009. Within a year, she was promoted to editor. In another six years, she became a full-time content administrator. All the while, she would take on freelance writing opportunities for LovetoKnow Media and Demand Media. In 2020, she became the first full-time writer for LovetoKnow media and the only writer to contribute to LovetoKnow, YourDictionary, and . She joined the ranks of Alb Media as a writer in 2023.


Jennifer graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and Communication from Saginaw Valley State University. She also has a minor in photography and psychology.

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Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, Women Lifestyle's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Jennifer Betts