Hillary Sussman

Photo of Hillary Sussman
Western Michigan University
TV, Pop Culture, Health & Wellness, Style
  • Hillary has over 4 years of experience writing professionally in the editorial, journalistic and non-profit worlds.
  • Hillary has a history of success in meeting deadlines, creating/maintaining contacts and producing branded content.
  • Hillary has worn many hats in order to tell stories, including actor, director, improvisor, and now writer.


Hillary is a redheaded Jewess from Detroit, Michigan and holds a BFA in Theatre Performance. After writing for Chicago's The Second City and iO, Hillary began working as a freelance writer, publishing pieces for CBR, Medium, The-Audacity and YouTube's The American Influencer Awards show. Hillary also works for Collective Impact, a non-profit dedicated to digital campaigning through political call-to-actions. When she's not writing, Hillary co-hosts The America's Next Top Best Friend podcast, where she's recapped over 300+ episodes of legendary Tyra Banks-isms (such as "smize" and "booty tooch"), sparking deep discussions centered on racial equity, internalized misogyny, and mental wellness. Her hobbies include reality TV, regular TV, and defending her celebrity crush on David Arquette.


After graduating cum laude from Western Michigan University with a BFA in Theatre Performance, Hillary took part in the Intiman Emerging Artist Program in Seattle, while simultaneously completing a remote editorial internship for Powertale TV. In 2018, Hillary graduated from Chicago's Second City Sketch Writing program.

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Stories By Hillary Sussman