Hilary Hurdis

Photo of Hilary Hurdis
Los Angeles, CA
University Of Rhode Island
Skincare, Nail Art & Care, Fashion
  • Hilary is an avid thrifter who is always looking for a bargain or a hidden gem. As such, she knows a ton about classic standby fashion brands as well as up-and-coming designers and clothing lines.
  • She loves trying new skincare products and brands. She always includes at least one new product in her routine and is on the lookout for the best moisturizers, serums, and sunscreens.
  • She has 4+ years of experience writing and editing for film, television, celebrity news, and lifestyle content.


Hilary is now a freelance editor for Alb Media, focusing on lifestyle and celebrity content featured on Women Lifestyle and Glam. She has worked as a freelance writer and editor for a variety of publications under many different topic umbrellas, publishing over 800 articles throughout her career. With a keen focus on film and television media analysis and reporting, Hilary honed her writing abilities for years before being promoted to (mostly) editing work. She still loves to write, but after mainly working as an editor, she has found a passion for helping other writers make their work the best it can be.


Hilary is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a double major in film media and psychology.

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Stories By Hilary Hurdis