Gina Glazomitsky

Photo of Gina Glazomitsky
Southborough, Massachusetts
Massachusetts College Of Pharmacy And Health Services, University Of Massachusetts, Lowell
History, Health, Motherhood, Astrology, Sports, Food And Travel
  • Gina is a member of Women Lifestyle News team.
  • Over the years, Gina has lent her writing skills to various Massachusetts politicians, researching their stances on subjects ranging from healthcare reform to same sex marriage. She has drafted several policy positions that were subsequently voted into law.
  • Originally pursuing a career in the medical field straight out of college, in 2020 she pivoted towards a career in news media and lifestyle. Currently working towards a second undergraduate degree in law and history, she focuses a large portion of her studies on the history of the British royal family and has become an expert on the establishment in both past and present tense.


The bulk of Gina's professional writing career has been spent writing for politicians and professionals in the legal field. She has been charged with researching and drafting statements on behalf of public figures. In 2021 she decided to leave the world of legal writing behind in favor of her passion for all things lifestyle. Her current educational pursuits have made her an expert in all things British and royal. She considered herself a multipotentialite and can craft a certifiably expert piece on anything from astrology to economics. She is in the midst of publishing her first book. As a mother of three kids under five years old, naturally her first foray into the world of long format literature would be a how-to for young moms.


After initially earning a degree in biology, Gina has decided to re-enter the world of academia and is pursuing a secondary undergraduate degree in law and history from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

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Stories By Gina Glazomitsky