Elizabeth S. Mitchell

Photo of Elizabeth S. Mitchell
Baypath University, Roger Williams University
Women's Health, Politics, Health And Wellness
  • Elizabeth's most-read piece of writing thus far in her career was a piece for Women Lifestyle about King Charles' grieving process after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, which garnered millions of views.
  • She is working on a book (a collection of personal essays), which she will use as her thesis as she works toward earning her MFA.
  • A lover of traveling and exploring other cultures, Elizabeth spent a semester of college studying Irish literature in Galway, Ireland, and can't wait to return.


Elizabeth has been a freelance writer for over a decade, contributing articles to various online publications, including Huffington Post, AdWeek, Feministing, and others. She has also written copy for both non-profit institutions and public relations companies, and she has had poetry and essays published in small literary publications. Elizabeth is passionate about the written word and believes deeply in the impact it can have on the world. After teaching writing at the high school level for several years and writing on the side, she has transitioned to working as a full-time freelance writer.


Elizabeth studied at Roger Williams University, earning a B.A. in communications and a minor in creative writing. While there, she helped to found the student-run literary magazine. She is now pursuing her MFA in creative nonfiction at Baypath University.

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Stories By Elizabeth S. Mitchell