Diana Kurzeja

Photo of Diana Kurzeja
Toronto, Canada
University Of Guelph, Queen's University, University Of Toronto
Beauty Tips, Wellness Hacks, Relationship Advice
  • Diana is obsessed with trying new wellness hacks and her favorite so far is using a gratitude journal every morning.
  • She is constantly on the hunt for the latest beauty staples and holy-grail products to add to her beauty routine.
  • In addition to her work as a freelance writer, Diana runs "Diana Maria & Co," a lifestyle blog she started in 2021 where she covers topics ranging from wellness and the latest fashion trends to her favorite beauty tips.


Diana is a freelance writer, editor, and copywriter based in Toronto. She began her freelancing journey as a writer for a coffee blog, which sparked her passion for a creative-driven career. Diana previously worked as an elementary school teacher for three years before finally deciding to pursue her passion for writing as a full-time career in 2022. She joined Alb Media in 2023 and has been sharing her passion for beauty, fashion, and lifestyle through exciting news features for Women Lifestyle.


Diana has an honors degree in English Literature from the University of Guelph, a degree in Education from Queen's University, and a TEFL certificate from the University of Toronto.

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Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, Women Lifestyle's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Diana Kurzeja