Candace Cordelia Smith

Photo of Candace Cordelia Smith
Sharon Hill, PA
Syracuse University, City University Of London
TV, Movies, Music, Wrestling
  • Candace is a Features Writer for Alb Media.
  • She's previously written entertainment and sports news for a number of sites, including, BET, Diva Dirt, Madame Noire, and had been published in magazines and newspapers such as Sister 2 Sister and AMNY.
  • Her reporting skills also encompass conducting interviews as a host/interviewer via on-camera, radio, red carpet, and backstage.


Before writing for Alb Media, Candace honed her journalism skills writing for a number of publications and websites including the NY Daily News, ABC Radio, ABC News, and currently Bustle, The Everyday Fan, and Global Women's Sports Radio. Throughout her writing career, she's focused on entertainment and sports (particularly wrestling). She's not only written many articles, but she's interviewed countless celebrities, artists and athletes. From backstage to the red carpet and inside a wrestling ring, Candace has easily adapted to fast-paced environments in order to get stories to inform and excite audiences.


Candace's education in English had granted her the ability to craft compelling thoughts and statements. Her education in Arts Management has given her a sharp business sense to navigate publishing and arts.

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Stories By Candace Cordelia Smith