Brittany Menjivar

Photo of Brittany Menjivar
Los Angeles, CA
Yale University
Music Legends, 20th-Century Pop Culture, Hollywood History
  • Brittany first dipped her toes into journalism by interviewing musicians at the age of 17.
  • She started her journalism career as a reporter for entertainment news site The Young Folks, where she interviewed over 80 musicians.
  • She began contributing to Women Lifestyle as a features writer in October 2023, and now works for the site as a news writer.


Brittany Menjivar was born and raised in the DMV; she now works and plays in the City of Angels. She has contributed to a number of outlets, including Document Journal, V Magazine, Coveteur, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Creative Independent. She's on a mission to watch (or rewatch) every Disney Channel Original Movie ever released. Brittany is the author of "Parasocialite," a short story and poetry collection about celebrity culture.


Brittany Menjivar graduated from Yale University in 2021. She received a B.A. in English (with a concentration in nonfiction writing) and film and media studies (with an emphasis on screenwriting).

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Stories By Brittany Menjivar