Becki Ledford

Photo of Becki Ledford
Asheville, NC
Harvard University, Boston College
'90s & '00s Pop Culture, Mental Health, Parenting
  • Becki grew up on Nickelodeon shows, country music, and boy band pop so she loves to write about your favorite celebrities from the '90s and '00s.
  • As a new mom, she has all things babies and children on her mind so she is eager to help you choose baby names, Halloween costumes, and the best products for your little ones.
  • Her master's degree in counseling psychology helps her write about the psychology behind the choices we make.


Becki has written for various outlets since undergrad when she was a writer and editor for The Harvard Crimson. While in graduate school for counseling psychology, she began blogging about food and wellness, including topics related to mental health. She began writing for Women Lifestyle in 2016, covering a variety of topics, including mental health, relationships, and celebrities. She has since written and edited for several Alb Media brands.


Becki has a bachelor's degree in psychology from Harvard University and a master's in counseling psychology from Boston College.

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Stories By Becki Ledford