Azure Hall

Photo of Azure Hall
Cheyenne, WY
College Of William And Mary, The University Of Florida
Reading, Travel, Movies
  • Azure is a news writer for Women Lifestyle.
  • She has previously written for news sites like Romper and Geek Insider, as well as print outlets like The Kaiserslautern American and the Stars and Stripes.
  • Her education includes a Masters in Mass Communication.


Azure has been a journalist for as long as she can remember, from writing her own household newspaper that she distributed to her loyal reader of a dad, running her high school newspaper, and double-dipping in college between the campus and local newspapers. From there, she went on to work for a variety of English news outlets in Germany, including the Kaiserslautern American and the Stars and Stripes. Her work has also appeared in Bustle and HuffPost.


Both in undergrad and graduate school, Azure took classes heavy in writing and communications.

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Stories By Azure Hall