Anne Goetz

Photo of Anne Goetz
Hagerstown, MD
Allegany College Of Maryland
Crime Dramas, Home And Garden Television, Stranger Things
  • Anne is the author of the "Ashkettle Boys" book series, a six-volume fictional crime series set in upstate New York.
  • Her website, Ashkettle Boys Books (, is an eclectic assortment of book reviews, short stories, and writer reflections.
  • She is currently hard at work on her first cozy mystery, "A Discount to Die For."


Anne embraced the freelance writing life more than a decade ago. With experiences in radio and advertising, writing ad copy seemed the perfect lateral career move. But while this type of writing paid the bills, it didn't feed her muse. So, with years of writing experience to her credit, she began branching out into projects that not only inspired her, but that came with the unparalleled joy of a byline. From that point forward, she knew entertainment writing was her calling.To date, she's penned celebrity obituaries, covered flooded recording studios, and chronicled the charitable efforts of famous people during infamous times, and all of it has kept her spirits high and her power turned on. And for these things, she's inherently grateful.


Anne earned her degree in communications from Allegany College of Maryland and went on to enjoy vibrant and dynamic careers in radio and hometown journalism. She has had the privilege of interviewing a variety of local heroes for Hagerstown Magazine and Frank and will always cherish the hours spent quietly conversing in Hagerstown's quaint art shops, children's museums, and community gardens.

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Stories By Anne Goetz