Angela Campbell

Photo of Angela Campbell
South Carolina, United States
University Of South Carolina
HGTV, Podcasts, Romance Novels
  • Standing at 6'2", Angela has made it her life's mission to find clothes that not only fit her tall frame but that look and feel good, too. She welcomes your recommendations.
  • She's attended many press junkets to cover TV and films, but her favorite one was for "The Hunger Games" because she was finally able to compare heights with a Hemsworth brother in person (Result: he's almost two inches taller than she is).
  • Her romantic suspense novel "On the Scent" is a USA Today bestseller and features rescue cats and dogs — something Angela is passionate about. She helps run a nonprofit cat rescue organization in her community.


A versatile journalist, Angela has won awards for both feature and news writing. She began her career as a highly-read movie reviewer and celebrity interviewer for her community newspaper, eventually moving on to write about pop culture for various outlets, including USA Today, Looper, and Women Lifestyle. Her book, "On the Scent," showcases her deep-rooted love of all things romance, suspense, and animals. When not chained to a keyboard, she helps runs a nonprofit cat rescue and delights in dressing her friendliest foster cats as superheroes for their profiles.


Angela has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of South Carolina and has taken several courses through Poynter's News University.

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Stories By Angela Campbell