The Stunning Transformation Of Sophie, Countess Of Wessex

In a family filled with headline-makers, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, often flies under the radar. She doesn't attract the same level of attention as other royal ladies, like Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, or even her contemporaries, the late Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson. But Sophie is nevertheless an icon in her own right. She is lauded as stylish and hard-working royal whose efforts, while not as widely reported on, are appreciated by the firm.

Born Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones on January 20, 1965, Sophie came into the limelight in the '90s through her relationship with Prince Edward, the youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II, notes Britannica. The couple has been married for decades and they have two children together, Louise and James. While Sophie's story isn't exactly a rags-to-riches story, her story is still a captivating one. Longtime royal watchers and new fans alike will be enthralled by the story of how a commoner from a modest family captured a prince's heart and became one of the hardest-working members of the British royal family.

She had a middle-class upbringing but royal roots

While Sophie, Countess of Wessex, didn't grow up poor, her upbringing was quite different from that of her future husband. Britannica notes that her father was a businessman while her mother worked as a secretary — a far cry from the lavish childhood of Prince Edward. Still, Sophie's youth was quite comfortable. She attended private school and grew up in a historic house. Her childhood home, Homestead Farmhouse, dates back to the 17th century. It was sold by the family in 2001 for £600,000 but has since been estimated to be worth £1 million, according to Hello! magazine.

Though her family was middle-class when Sophie was growing up, they do have royal roots. Her father's family has ties to nobility through the Viscounts Molesworth (via Express). She is also descended from two kings: King Edward III and King Henry IV. Per English Monarchs, Sophie and Prince Edward are 11th cousins once removed.

She ran her own business for several years

As someone from a comfortable but not exceptionally wealthy background, the future Countess of Wessex entered the workforce after finishing her education. The young woman held down a string of jobs after attending Kent College Pembury and West Kent College (via the National Portrait Gallery). Among her many jobs were working in a bar, for a radio station, and at a Swiss resort (per Britannica).

Sophie finally found her true calling in public relations, landing a job with Maclaurin Communication and Media. According to the National Portrait Gallery, Sophie worked with other PR companies for a few years, eventually launching her own company, RJH Public Relations, in 1996. As noted on the official website of the royal family, Sophie co-ran the PR firm with a business partner for the next five years, continuing her work with the company for the first few years of her marriage to Prince Edward.

She met Prince Edward through a friend

Sophie, Countess of Wessex, might be living a real-life fairy tale, but her relationship with Prince Edward wasn't quite the whirlwind romance you might expect. The two first met in 1987, according to Hello! magazine, but it wasn't love at first sight. Edward was involved with one of Sophie's friends at the time, and their romance didn't start until 1993 when the pair reconnected at a charity event.

The couple took their time dating and getting to know each other, although a royal expert hinted that all may not have been well in those early years. Biographer Ingrid Seward wrote in her book, "Prince Edward," that Sophie struggled to adjust to the idea of royal life while Edward had cold feet (via British Heritage). She wrote, "Like all couples, there were moments when the effort of adjusting led to rows and disagreements and, in the summer of 1994, they came precariously close to parting."

According to Seward, Sophie fought for the relationship, though. "She was not prepared to let the relationship flounder," she wrote. "When rumors of the rift became public she dismissed them as 'rubbish.' She was being elastic with the truth, but it did give her the breathing space she needed to get her relationship back on track again." Things clearly worked out for the couple, with Prince Edward proposing in 1999 when they were both 34 years old. Hello! noted that the stunning ring with which he proposed is believed to have cost him over £105,000.

Sophie and Edward tied the knot in a low-key ceremony

What's a royal wedding without fascinators and over-the-top hats? While the British royal family is known for putting on lavish displays marked by eye-catching headpieces, Sophie and Prince Edward actually banned the fashion staple at their own nuptials on June 19, 1999, per Hello! magazine.

The couple wanted an understated celebration without the usual parade of global representatives or military ceremony — or hats. The couple didn't even share their first kiss as a married couple in front of their guests, choosing to keep the intimate moment out of the limelight. "When they left the main room, they gave each other a kiss," said a guest (via Hello!) "It was a great private moment."

As far as royal weddings go, it was a very simple wedding –but it was hardly devoid of glamor. As noted by Tatler, Sophie's gorgeous silk organza gown was encrusted with crystals and pearls, and she wore a tiara loaned by Queen Elizabeth II. Royal fans were eager to see the couple finally tie the knot, with 200 million viewers tuning in to the televised event.

Sophie drew a lot of comparisons to Princess Diana

The Countess of Wessex is a powerful figure in her own right, but she spent her early years in the limelight in Princess Diana's shadow, drawing many comparisons to the Princess of Wales in the early years of her relationship with Prince Edward. They were of a similar age — Princess Diana not quite four years older than Sophie – and both blonde, with journalist Emma Cook claiming a lot of people were "keen to forge the Sophie/Diana comparison" (via Express). Cook alleged that there was no love lost between the two women, with Diana allegedly calling Sophie "Little Miss Goody Two Shoes" and reportedly questioning why Sophie wasn't torn apart by the press as Diana herself was.

When Sophie officially joined the royal family in 1999, the world was still reeling from the death of Princess Diana two years earlier, but the comparisons continued. "On an aesthetic basis, I'd wouldn't think anyone can be unhappy being compared with someone such as her," Sophie said ahead of her wedding (via New York Post). "[But] we are very different people." Edward also tried to shut down the comparisons to his late sister-in-law, saying, "It's not helpful – it's not accurate."

A scandal ended her PR career

The royal family was plagued by scandals in the years leading up to Sophie's marriage to Prince Edward. The year 1992 saw the collapse of three royal marriages as well as other headline-making events that had the queen calling it an "annus horribilis" or "horrible year," per The Washington Post

The Countess of Wessex has lived a comparatively low-drama life, but even she is not immune to scandal. In 2001, she came under fire after leaked conversations revealed some of her thoughts about the royal family and other prominent figures (via Vanity Fair). Along with complaining about being compared to Princess Diana, she criticized a slew of people including Cherie Blair (wife of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair) as well as her brother-in-law, Prince Charles. The comments were taped by tabloid reporters posing as prospective clients of Sophie's PR firm. The public was outraged when she was reported as having tried to win the would-be clients' business by saying, "When people find we're working for you, the chances are you'll get people interested. [They'll say,] 'Oh, gosh, they've employed the Countess of Wessex's P.R. company.'"

The scandal prompted Sophie's early retirement from professional life. After it broke, Sophie announced she was stepping down as chairman of the company, noted The Washington Post.

Becoming a full-time royal

Just months after announcing she was stepping away from her company, Sophie suffered an ectopic pregnancy, per The Guardian. In 2003, she and husband Prince Edward welcomed a daughter, Louise, who was followed in 2007 by a boy, James (via Vanity Fair). As she was adjusting to motherhood, she was also adjusting to life as a full-time working royal.

It wasn't easy going from calling the shots to being a diplomatic presence for the many organizations with whom she supports in a royal capacity. Sophie went from running her own company to being more of a supporting character for the firm. "I had to reduce my expectations of what I could actually do," she admitted to The Times (via Vanity Fair). "I couldn't turn up at a charity and go, right, I think you should be doing this, because that's what I was used to doing in my working life. I had to take a really big step back and go, OK, they want you to be the icing on the cake, the person to come in to thank their volunteers and funders, not necessarily to tell them how to run their communications plan."

The official website of the royal family notes that Sophie is involved with some 70 organizations and charities. Among the causes she supports are young people, agriculture, and "eradicating avoidable blindness."

She's giving her children a normal upbringing

While many girls dream of becoming a princess, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, hasn't gotten swept up in the fantasy of being royalty. She's stayed quite grounded over the years, and she's raising her kids as normally as possible, too. While Louise is technically a princess and James a prince, the countess and Prince Edward decided to forgo their children's royal titles. Instead, Express notes, they are known as Lady Louise and James, Viscount Severn.

As the former PR exec explained in a 2020 interview with The Times (via Good Housekeeping), she doesn't expect that her children will lead a pampered lifestyle. "We try to bring them up with the understanding they are very likely to have to work for a living," she explained. "Hence we made the decision not to use HRH titles. They have them and can decide to use them from 18, but I think it's highly unlikely."

Sophie added that her kids have had a pretty normal childhood, going to school and hanging out with friends. "I guess not everyone's grandparents live in a castle, but where you are going is not the important part, or who they are," she admitted. "When they are with the Queen, she is their grandmother."

She's made a name for herself as a staunch feminist

While Sophie's title is through her husband, don't mistake her for someone willing to simply follow in a man's footsteps. If there were ever any thoughts that she might be a placid princess, they've been put to rest over the years as Sophie has come into her own as an outspoken feminist who seems to have little patience for the conventions of royalty. Not only did she continue working after she got married, but she's also been clear about her desire to tackle royal life on her terms. 

The monarchy can be quite patriarchal — it wasn't until 2013 that the Succession to the Crown Act made it so that the oldest child of a monarch can inherit the throne. Prior to this, the oldest male child would become the next king, with a woman only able to take the throne if she had no brothers. Sophie's own son is ahead of her daughter in the line of succession, despite being several years younger.

Sophie told The Times (via Good Housekeeping) that she considers herself a feminist, and that she and her husband tackle parenting duties equally. Hello! magazine noted that she's spoken out on feminist issues multiple times, notably calling on leaders of the nations of the Commonwealth to be part of creating "a feminist peace." She has also advocated for empowering women in the finance industry, saying, "If we make greater strides towards parity, then we all stand to win. There will be bigger slices of a bigger cake for everyone."

She supported Prince Harry and Meghan Markle when they left the U.K.

The world was stunned in January 2020 when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, announced they were stepping back from the royal family. No longer actively working royals, the couple moved to the United States, where they're keeping out of the spotlight. 

The move proved to be a controversial one, with many dubbing the shock decision "Megxit," blaming Meghan for it. The outrage only deepened after Meghan and Harry spoke out about the reasons they left the United Kingdom in a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey the following year, citing racism as "a large part of it" (via Insider).

Amid the media frenzy, Sophie stood by her nephew and his wife. "I just hope they will be happy," she told The Times a few months after they left the U.K. (via HuffPost).

She took on more responsibilities after Harry and Meghan stepped down

While Sophie, Countess of Wessex, may not be one of the more famous members of the royal family, she's certainly one they couldn't do without. According to The Times (via Vanity Fair), she attended more than 200 royal engagements in 2019, outpacing even her nephew, Prince William.

Reportedly, the royal is "almost as another daughter" to Queen Elizabeth, according to former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond (via iNews). She was also reportedly a source of support for the monarch towards the end of Prince Philip's life. "There is no doubt that Sophie's star is in the ascendancy," wrote the outlet in July 2022. "She may be the monarchy's secret weapon whenever the going gets tough."

Sophie has been busier than ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, stepped down as senior royals and since Prince Andrew faded from public life after he found himself embroiled in scandal in 2019. The Independent notes that Sophie and Prince Edward have helped fill in the gap. And while the countess is more visible than ever, her primary concern seems to be just doing her duties. "There is increased interest in us as a family but, if it raises more awareness of the issues I care about, then that can only be a good thing," she said in an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live.

She was heartbroken by her father-in-law's death

While the death of Prince Philip in April 2021 didn't entirely come as a shock — he was just two months short of his 100th birthday, notes Britannica — it understandably shook the royal family. Sophie, Countess of Wessex, spoke to reporters about his death. "It was so gentle," she said after his funeral (via People). "It was just like somebody took him by the hand and off he went. Very, very peaceful. And that's all you want for somebody isn't it?"

Sophie felt the loss of her husband's father keenly, telling BBC Radio 5 Live that his death "left a giant-sized hole in our lives." She added that the fact that it happened during the COVID-19 pandemic only heightened the sense of loss as their normal lives were disrupted, meaning the grieving process was dragged out. "It's only when you do the normal things that you would have done with them and you suddenly realise that they're not there," she explained in the interview.

She might not be so busy when Prince Charles ascends the throne

While Sophie, Countess of Wessex, has proven herself as a valuable member of the royal family, her responsibilities as a working royal are likely to diminish in the coming years. Queen Elizabeth isn't getting any younger, and when she dies it's expected that her successor, Prince Charles, will pare back the royal family. As royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti explained to Us Weekly, "It's always been rumored that he wants to slim down the working royals at the core of the family."

Charles' rumored plan includes bringing the total number of working royals to just eight (via Insider). Royal commentator Kinsey Schofield told the outlet that this number could include Sophie, but she is unlikely to play a key role in his opinion. "While these are all individuals that will be out in the future representing the crown, I think Charles will try to draw attention to himself, Camilla, and the Cambridge family as the future of the monarchy," he said.
