Donald Trump's Accusations Against The FBI Have Twitter In A Tizzy

The FBI raid of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence is a story hotter than the August 2022 day on which it occurred. Agents with a search warrant entered the Palm Beach, Florida, property while the former president and wife Melania were in New York. 

According to The Washington Post, the officials scoured every inch of the residence, including Trump's locked safe, before emerging hours later with 15 boxes of unidentified material. It's speculated that the aim was to collect classified documents that should have been declassified or turned over to government archives before Trump left office.

On his Truth Social network, Trump posted a reaction that hinted at shady doings on the FBI's part. As reposted on Twitter, he said: "The FBI and others from the Federal Government, would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the area that was rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago. ... [T]hey wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking, or hopefully not, 'planting.'" 

He added that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had never been subjected to such intrusion "despite big disputes!"

An unidentified source close to the former president echoed this sentiment to the New York Post, fearing that the plainclothes agents might have "planted stuff" to incriminate Trump.

Donald Trump's supporters also suspect foul play in the FBI raid

Although a legal expert has denied that the Mar-a-Lago raid had anything to do with January 6, Donald Trump's supporters suspect it does — and their Twitter feeds reflect this. 

Kimberly Guilfoyle, the fiancée of Donald Trump Jr., tweeted, "The FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago only happened because the Democrats are scared to death that President Trump will run again. So let's see if their worst dream comes true. #Trump2024." 

A fan quoted an argument made by a popular Fox News host: "Hannity is saying the FBI has nothing or it would have been leaked by now. I say they are manufacturing 'the evidence.' The FBI must be disbanded."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene also holds to the conspiracy theory. She wrote, "I think there is an extremely high probability that the FBI planted 'evidence' against President Trump. Otherwise WHY would they NOT allow his attorneys or anyone watch them while they conducted their unprecedented raid?"

Others, however, pointed out that the FBI has strict protocols regarding evidence collection. One said, "I don't think he is familiar with how meticulous the FBI is. They are going to document absolutely everything they did. Photographs and probably video. It helps establish chain of custody. They didn't move it before they took pictures of it." 

Another response was an eye-roll at the former president: "Typical Trump move..He does as he pleases..Ignores rules, regulations and laws and when the you know what hits the fan....cries like a baby and plays the victim card."
