Tucker Carlson Proves His Beef With Jon Stewart Is Far From Over

The year was 2004, and Jon Stewart was a guest on the CNN show "Crossfire" with then-host Tucker Carlson. As a YouTube video of the ill-fated appearance proves, the comedian didn't hold back with his opinions about the program, saying to its hosts and live audience that he didn't so much think "Crossfire" was "bad," "as it's hurting America." He then implored Carlson to "stop hurting America."

But that wasn't even the worst of it. Stewart contended the show was failing "miserably" and insisted he wouldn't be a monkey and just be funny after Carlson wondered where the comic side of their guest had gone (via The Wrap). About the only joke Stewart made was about Carlson's love of bowties, before declaring that the show was more "theater" than "debate," much to the chagrin of the hosts.

Well, that cringe-worthy TV moment happened almost two decades ago, but it seems that the Fox host is not over what went down, as he recently had a very nasty take on Stewart's appearance (via Twitter).

Tucker Carlson goes below the belt

"That's Jon Stewart? The famous Jon Stewart?" Tucker Carlson ranted on his program after showing viewers an image of Jon Stewart with a beard. Carlson added that his "disheveled" nemesis looked more like "a homeless mental patient." The bowtie lover then started attacking "The Daily Show" host's height, opining he was "too short to date."

Is it even worth pointing out that Stewart has been married for 20 years (via Distractify)?

Meanwhile, at one point Carlson also claimed that the man who once challenged him on "Crossfire" reminded him of "a guy who lives in the men's room at your public library, eating imaginary insects out of the air" (via Yahoo!).

Not surprisingly, Twitter promptly pounced on Carlson's seemingly-misdirected and unprofessional attack.

Jon Stewart laughs off Tucker Carlson's attack

Many Jon Stewart fans pointed out that clearly the Fox host is far from over what went down on "Crossfire" all those years ago. It's worth noting that the program was canceled just a year later in 2005, with CNN "cutting ties" with Tucker Carlson (via The New York Times).

Most Twitter users referenced the good work Stewart was doing when Carlson meanly commented on his appearance. As The Guardian reports, the comedian's photo was taken while he was in Washington to help champion a bill that expands healthcare for veterans exposed to toxins.

Ultimately, the ongoing beef between the two celebrities didn't seem to phase Stewart, who was called "the MVP of the week" in one widely-liked tweet. He responded to Carlson's highly-personal comments in a now-viral tweet, writing in part, "Friends. Tonite I am sad. @TuckerCarlson believes me too short to date..."

He went on to poke fun at Republicans having invited Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to speak at their recent CPAC conference (via NPR). You'll have to read his tweet to get the full, um, flavor, but let's just say once again, Stewart is not holding anything back in this ongoing war of words.
