Prince Harry's Legal Battle Against The UK Is Far From Over

Prince Harry's legal battle with the UK government has experienced both bittersweet news and major wins. In July, a judge of the British High Court issued a judicial review for the Duke of Sussex against the Home Office and RAVEC, the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures, according to the Evening Standard. After Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved away from the UK, RAVEC and the Home Office did not allow the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to pay for their own security protection if and when they ever returned.

Prince Harry went into detail about the shocking loss of protection in his and Meghan's tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. According to the Evening Standard, the Duke of Sussex felt he had been blindsided. "I pushed back and said is there a change of threat or risk? Eventually, I got the confirmation that no, the risk hasn't changed but due to our change of status — we would no longer be 'official' members of the royal family. I was born into this position. I inherited the risk. So that was a shock to me."

Now, the Duke of Sussex has brought a new suit against the UK government, proving that his legal battles show no sign of slowing down. In fact, it is still just in its early stages.

Prince Harry brings a second lawsuit against UK government

According to Newsweek, Prince Harry has filed another lawsuit against the UK government regarding his, Meghan Marke's, and their children's security protections. The Duke of Sussex once again named both the British Home Office and Metropolitan Police as defendants. With the latest judicial review just underway, not much is known. However, Prince Harry's first suit against the government can provide some insight on his mindset heading into this case.

"The UK will always be Prince Harry's home and a country he wants his wife and children to be safe in. With the lack of police protection, comes too great a personal risk. Prince Harry hopes that his petition — after close to two years of pleas for security in the UK — will resolve this situation," his legal team said in a 2021 statement, per CNN. The outcomes of these decisions will determine whether Prince Harry will be allowed to use private funds to pay for police protection while in the UK.
