Princess Diana's Former Bodyguard Reveals How She Would Feel About Prince Harry's New Life

Prince Harry was just 12 years old when Princess Diana died in a car crash, so it only makes sense that the world wonders what his life with her in it would have looked like (via GoodtoKnow). You could ask the royal family, but there's someone that might know even better. According to Newsweek, Princess Diana's bodyguard of six years is weighing in on how she would feel about Harry's new life, and the sentiment is sweet but surprising. 

On top of Tom Bower's book that shares surprising details of royal life and Prince Harry's upcoming memoir, Ken Wharfe, Princess Diana's personal protection officer also has a book in the works. Titled "Diana: Remembering The Princess," Wharfe gets sentimental about the family that he used to protect. He spent from 1987 to 1993 with the family, kids included, and was protecting the people's Princess up until right before she passed (via Newsweek). 

Wharfe's predictions about what Princess Diana's life would've looked like are touching, and, while some comments are exactly as you'd think, there is one surprising thing about the comments that he's made. It turns out that Diana might be living a very different life today if she were alive — just like Harry.

The former bodyguard says Diana would 'completely understand' Harry

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle deciding to leave the royal family has without a doubt drawn parallels to his mother. Princess Diana made her own royal exit when she separated and then divorces Prince Charles (via Yahoo!). Despite her passing, people cannot stop wondering what Harry's life would be like with his mother in it today.

According to Newsweek, her bodyguard Ken Wharfe says that it might not look all that different. If Diana would have lived, it turns out that she could also be a bi-coastal grandmother to support her son. "There is no doubt in my mind that she would completely understand the position Harry finds himself in and would probably have been jetting across the Atlantic on a regular basis to offer help," Wharfe says in his co-authored book, according to Newsweek.

The idea of Princess Diana flying to California to go help with her grandkids is the sweetest picture. Wharfe allegedly says in his book that the connection between Harry and Diana would undoubtedly be strong. "William and Harry are very much their mother's boys in so many ways, even though there are differences between them," Wharfe writes. "But with Harry, we can see Diana's legacy more clearly — and when he returns into the Royal fold, which I think he will do, I believe that will be even clearer."

Harry can feel Diana's presence

Princess Diana might not be here for Prince Harry in person, but he believes that her spirit definitely followed him to the West Coast. "For me, [her spirit's] constant and it has been over the last two years," Harry said in an interview with Hoda Kotb. "It's almost as though she's done her bit with my brother and now she's very much back to helping me. Got him set up, now she's helping me set up. That's what it feels like, you know? He's his kids. I've got my kids. You know, circumstances are obviously different. But I feel her presence in almost everything that I do now."

He also mentioned in the interview that he keeps Princess Diana's spirit alive and talks to his son Archie about Grandma Diana (via Today). Bodyguard Ken Wharfe might be right with his prediction of what life would be like for Diana today. 

The public has been quick to mark similarities between Meghan Markle and Princess Diana as well. On top of Meghan Markle wearing Princess Diana's jewelry, the two both had feuds with British media as well. It doesn't take a close friend of Diana's to know that she would have helped her son and daughter-in-law navigate the media if she were still alive. 
