Twitter Roasts Marjorie Taylor Greene For False Claims About The Highland Park Shooter

The massacre on the Fourth of July at a parade in the north Chicago suburb, Highland Park, is just another to add to the list of the 314 mass shootings that have occurred in the first seven months of the year (via The Boston Globe).

Politicians like Vice President Kamala Harris shared her thoughts on the "senseless" act of violence, while others like Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted, "Today's terrible shooting in Highland Park is the latest reminder of our nation's deadly gun violence epidemic. Grocery stores. Schools. Churches. 4th of July parades. Places everyone should feel safe. Congress must do more NOW to protect our people." 

Another member of Congress — Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia's 14th District — also spoke out in regards to the mass shooting. Greene, who is no stranger to spreading misinformation on Twitter, is under fire for posting a falsely edited photo of the Highland Park shooter and for doubling down on her own theory about why the tragedy occurred. Spoiler alert: She doesn't think it's a gun issue.

A Twitter user called Marjorie Taylor Greene 'disgraceful'

Seven people were killed and over 30 people were injured in the mass shooting that occured during a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois (via ABC News). Days later, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a far-right Republican, is now getting major flak from tweeting misinformation about the shooter.

In a post on Twitter, which the app confirmed contained "manipulated media," Greene shared a seemingly edited photo of the shooter pictured in a jail cell, smirking at a camera, and holding up a copy of the bible. "The public should not allow this to continue," Greene tweeted along with the photo. "People are not stupid. Is he in jail or rehab or a psychiatric center in this photo? That's not his bedroom. 22 yrs old and 5'11 and 120 lbs is not normal or healthy. What drugs or psychiatric drugs or both does he use?" Greene then suggested in a series of tweets that drugs and SSRIs may be the source of mass shootings.

It didn't take long for Twitter users to voice their opinions on Greene's false information and her influential presence on the social media app. One journalist tweeted, "It's time for @RepMTG to be removed from Twitter for spreading false information." Another user wrote, "This is the type of vile rhetoric that would come out of the mouth of some obscure, online far-right conspiracy theorists. But to hear it from a sitting member of Congress? @RepMTG, absolutely disgraceful."
