Astrology Expert Reveals The Perfect Vacation Spot For A Capricorn - Exclusive

People born under the earth sign of Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) are among the most responsible, driven, reliable, practical, and intelligent (via Allure). They care deeply about the world around them, and while they often have serious career and life goals, those goals almost always center around a passion of theirs and certainly always align with their values. 

Capricorns are among the hardest-working people you are likely to meet. In their careers, they take their roles very seriously, and in personal relationships, they can always be counted upon to show up when you need them with sound advice and practical solutions. They are loyal, passionate, goal-oriented people, and they rarely take a break. In fact, one of their greatest challenges is learning to turn all of that passion and care and tending inward toward themselves as readily as they do for those around them. 

So when a Capricorn finally decides to take the vacation they so deeply deserve, what's the best option?  

The best vacation for a Capricorn

The globetrotting experts over at Conde Nast Traveller suggest that a Capricorn would get their best R&R on a Caribbean cruise. This makes sense to us, because while Capricorns would benefit greatly from lying still on a gorgeous beach, they are also too driven and adventurous to do just that. Whether tapping into their bougie side and chartering a private yacht for a day on the water or booking a vacation via a cruise line, there is plenty of Capricorn to see, do, and explore. 

We asked Astrologer Cameron Martin of Path and Purpose for his thoughts on this, and he told us, "For Capricorn, time away from work and responsibilities is key for a great vacation and a Caribbean cruise could be just the thing!" He went on to explain that, "Your time will be structured enough, with the ship's sailing schedule, to keep you comfortable, while unstructured enough to allow you ample opportunity to rest and explore." 

So once you've booked your tickets, what should you do and see on a Caribbean cruise? 

What to do and see

Cameron Martin told us that several things offered on a cruise line would speak to a Capricorn. "Fancy dining, opportunities for fun in the sun, and a ton of optional activities to plan speaks to a Capricorn's heart," he said. 

In their guide to Caribbean cruises, The Points Guy suggests that while plenty of fun can be found on the ship itself, from live entertainment to world class dining to nightlife and dancing, a person moved to explore wildlife will love itineraries that include things like Scuba diving and snorkeling. Fans of water sports like kayaking, water skiing, boating, etc. are also likely to find opportunities that speak to them. 

And never underestimate the healing power of simply lying on the beach and looking at the tranquil, picturesque waters and landscape; as a Capricorn, allowing yourself to truly rest and recharge and get in touch with nature may feel a little unnatural to you, but once you do it, you will know why your soul was calling you to do just that.  
