Here's How To Prevent A Crepey Neck And Chest

Nobody plans to have a crepey neck and chest, or anywhere on the body for that matter. Crepey skin occurs when the skin loses both collagen and elastin, making it seem paper thin (via mbg lifestyle). The result is a wrinkly, crepey appearance.

This type of skin is a bit different from just plain old wrinkles. According to dermatologist Hadley King, M.D. in addition to prominent creases and a wrinkled appearance, crepey skin "may also sag or feel loose." On the other hand, regular wrinkles are usually simple fine lines that appear in folds of the skin. These areas tend to undergo repeated muscle movements, like laugh lines or crow's feet from smiling.

Crepey skin can also produce wrinkles, but the main characteristic is that crepey skin appears fragile and even a bit unhealthy — it actually looks like the skin has lost its foundation. While there are ways to get more collagen in your system to help stave off crepey skin, prevention is best.  

Is old age the worst culprit for crepey skin?

Crepey skin is usually thought of as showing up in old age, and while it certainly does appear more often with time, aging is not the number one cause of crepey skin. The number one cause is sun damage. 

Dermatologist Ranella Hirsch tells Byrdie, "Wrinkling is related to genetics, facial movement, and some sun damage. Crepey skin, on the other hand, is related only to sun damage whereby the sun is breaking down the elastin."

Through spending prolonged days in the sun over a long period of time, the elastin in the skin begins to break down. That's key because elastin is what allows the skin to stretch, move with ease, and then snap back into position. Without it, skin becomes worn out and loses elasticity, so it hangs. At the same time, collagen decreases, causing the skin to thin out, lose firmness, and sag.

The most common areas on the body that crepey skin shows up are on the upper arms, chest, and neck. These are the areas that are typically most exposed to the sun's UV rays, as well as pollution and environmental chemicals, per WebMD.

Still, there are ways to prevent getting crepey skin in the first place. 

Ways to prevent crepey skin

Hands down, the best way to avoid crepey skin and reduce your skin from prematurely aging is to stay out of the sun as much as you can. When you have to be in the sun, wear a wide brimmed hat and large sunglasses, and try to find a shady spot to stay under. Also, use sunscreen daily (via Cleveland Clinic).

Another way to combat crepey skin is to build a skincare routine for aging skin, way before you start to age. The key to preventing crepey skin and wrinkles is to keep your skin nourished and hydrated. 

Make sure to use a skin moisturizer specifically designed for crepey skin that contains hyaluronic acid. When you put hyaluronic acid on, it plumps your skin while also helping to increase and maintain firmness and elasticity. When choosing a moisturizer, hyaluronic acid should be the first ingredient for maximum effectiveness.
