Prince George Had The Best Reaction To Prince Louis' Wild Jubilee Behavior

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee will be remembered for many things. Of course there is the historic milestone the celebrations marked, with the monarch having sat on the British throne for 70 years. Incidentally, Queen Elizabeth II is the first to accomplish this feat.

Then, we'll look back and recall the drama surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle taking part in select events, given that they are not officially working royals any longer. As such, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex skipped standing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during the Trooping the Colour ceremony. Meanwhile, it's been speculated that the Queen not agreeing to a public photograph with their daughter Lilibet created quite a stir (via Marie Claire).

And then, there's 4-year-old Prince Louis. The third child of Prince William and Kate Middleton officially stole the show by acting much like any other preschooler in the world.

Prince Louis acted out in the most appropriate way

Sure, Prince Louis is fifth in line for the throne — after his grandfather, Prince Charles, his father, Prince William and his older siblings, Prince George and Princess Charlotte (via Newsweek). But just because the royal was born into a position of power most of us would only dream about, doesn't mean he isn't also, well, a child. He enjoys riding his bike, watching construction vehicles and munching on cereal for breakfast (via Hello!).

He also gets bored at events like other kids his age, and during the Jubilee, entertained the world with his adorable faces and over-the-top antics, which, despite rampant criticism, were deemed age-appropriate according to experts, per the New York Post. As licensed therapist Kaitlin Soulé told the outlet, "With children around his age, part of their developmental task is to push boundaries and figure out how to be in the world." Well, mission accomplished, Louis!

But someone else stole the show as well this past weekend — Louis' big brother, George.

Prince George found his brother to be a riot

While Prince Louis gamely stuck out his tongue and made the kinds of faces your grandmother tells you will stick if you don't cut it out, royal fans everywhere enjoyed seeing this side of a member of the most esteemed family on Earth. But not only was Twitter abuzz about the youngster's high jinks — and Kate Middleton's attempt to tame him — but Prince George also seemed to delight in his younger brother's silly behavior during such a serious occasion, the Platinum Jubilee Pageant (via Page Six).

George, who has been at this gig a bit longer since he is now 8 years old, apparently found Louis' attention grab hilarious, as he laughed and covered his face during the droll display. Adorably, as fans can see in a viral Twitter video, the eldest son of Prince William also turned to his dad at one point as if to gauge his reaction — and how much do you love that the Duke of Cambridge was also similarly charmed by his son's zany gestures?

In fact, as one Twitter user pointed out, when William was a kid, he too had his moments when being in public was the last thing he wanted to do!

But unlike William, there was person who wasn't taking Louis' bait. No, we don't mean the Duchess of Cambridge. Another family member also thought Louis should control himself in public.

Princess Charlotte was not feeling her brother's behavior

As Page Six notes, publicly Prince William and Kate Middleton seemed to have fun with Prince Louis' Jubilee antics, even tweeting out a humorous message following the foolish flourish. "We all had an incredible time, especially Louis..." the couple's official Twitter account announced, adding an eyeroll emoji to the post.

It's worth noting that no matter what their social media account proclaimed, it seemed like the royal mom attempted to discipline her son in the moment — mostly to no avail, with Louis continuing to act out for the world to see, and with Kate's actions being both criticized and defended by parents and experts (via Yahoo!). 

Meanwhile, Princess Charlotte seemed to also try to get her brother to act the part of a prince, even chastising him at one point as he insanely waved his hands about (via But even big sister couldn't get the antsy prince to cut out his hilarity, since, well, he basically didn't, and carried on creating meme fodder that will last for years.

In the end, perhaps laughing off the silliness of a preschooler like Prince George did was the best way to react after all!
