What Prince Charles Was Seen Doing During The Platinum Jubilee Parade

Stoicism seems to be a trademark of British royalty. For example, one famous story tells of Queen Elizabeth II and the royal christening of a baby Prince Charles, heir to the throne. As shared by Express, the queen struggled throughout the ceremony to avoid shedding a tear and "not to show affection towards baby" so that she could "maintain her dignity." Even in the face of exceptional circumstance, emotions have long been frowned upon. Said royal biographer Angela Levin in this same article, "It's not that she loved him less, it's that she would certainly not show it in public because it wasn't the done thing to do."

Yet once in a while, we get a glimpse of true emotion from these otherwise stoic royals, such as a smile.

Fun fact: ExpressDentist.com once did a study on royal smiles which used computer algorithms to rank things like "whiteness" of teeth and "geometric golden ratio" of the smile, as shared by Cambridgeshire Live. Prince Charles came in sixth place, sandwiched by sons William in fifth and Harry in 7th. The best royal smile designation was actually given to Princess Beatrice. Some might take this to mean Prince Charles' smile may need a bit of practice — and practice he got at the queen's recent Platinum Jubilee Pageant Parade.

Prince Charles gets the giggles?

Crowds caught Prince Charles, the future king, in a fit of giggles at the Sunday Platinum Jubilee Pageant Parade, according to Page Six. Sitting in the audience next to wife Camilla Parker Bowles, the Prince can be seen laughing heartily — much to what would appear the delight and confusion of his fellow attendees. Described as "guffawing," Page Six further shares that both his wife and son attempt to ask him about the joke, but quite clearly don't understand the overwhelming humor the Prince of Wales has enjoyed.

And while we might not understand why this Jubilee jubilation occurred, fans are absolutely loving it. Sharing on a YouTube recording of the event, watcher Joanne says, "Absolutely lovely — we're very quick with the cameras to pick up a frown — they sell the papers — this is just brilliant." As watcher Beth Leslie says, "it's good to see happy people." 

As with everything there are detractors to this guffaw as well, though, with a watcher by the moniker of Greenpoloboy3 adding, "I always feel its so fake. They know the cameras are watching them. They can't sit there yawning, looking bored and looking at their watches." So whether fan or foe of this princely chuckle, we must say its quite the change of "face" for this usually stoic royal.
