New Teaser Provides Proof That Ethan Plath Has A Sneaky Side

"Welcome to Plathville" follows the daily lives and occasional shenanigans of the extended Plath family on TLC. Ethan Plath is the eldest of the 9 Plath siblings but does not live in the family home, instead working as a mechanic and living with Olivia whom he married in 2018 according to US Weekly.

And while Ethan and Olivia might be blazing a trail for the younger Plath siblings to follow, their journey hasn't been without some bumps along the road. Married young, Ethan has worked hard to support his young wife and develop a lifestyle and career but has not necessarily achieved results that leave Olivia feeling her needs have been met. Speaking on marital strife at the three-year mark, the elder Plath said, "I feel like I have worked so hard to give you a good life, to give us a good life at 22, and it wasn't good enough," according to People.

And while the couple seems to have moved through previous issues with the support of counseling, the now-24-year-old Ethan has some new obstacles in his path to marital bliss, namely his work and how it affects his new home base in Tampa, Florida according to Distractify. Ethan and Olivia Plath are featured in Season 4, Episode 2 of "Welcome to Plathville" discussing the move and Ethan's current job situation.

The sneaky road to Plathville

Olivia has been frustrated with Ethan since they uprooted their lives, saying, on the show (via Distractify), "Ethan hasn't picked up another full-time job since he quit his last when we moved down here, and he gets bored a lot." As shared in a new TLC teaser, this boredom has led to the reality TV husband "sneaking around" with his second love — cars.

It turns out that Ethan has been sneaking back to his hometown of Cairo, GA to keep working on cars in his profession as a mechanic — and he hasn't been telling Olivia, which has led to her accusing him of having a "double life." Says Ethan in the teaser to producers, "I honestly think being sneaky is a plus because some people try it and suck. Growing up there were so many rules, you figure out after a while if you're sneaky enough you can get around them." But Ethan adds, "I think part of Olivia's whole not wanting me to work on cars is just her wanting me to spend more time and pay attention to her, and you know I understand that."

In fact, Ethan even teases his sister on the phone with some brotherly "advice." Says Ethan, "Advice from a big brother to his little sister, always best to lie, if you get caught and then deal with it." And dealing with it is something that just might happen. Knowing wife Olivia's existing frustration with his out-of-town work, Ethan says to his sister, "If I don't come back to Tampa you'll know why."
