Joe Biden Just Threw Major Shade At Elon Musk And Twitter Is Here For It

President Biden just tossed some shade at his online critic, Democrat-turned-Republican billionaire Elon Musk. While not known for his verbal sparring, Biden channeled his inner Roger Federer to volley a backhanded compliment at Musk.

Biden's remarks are best understood in the context of the Tesla CEO's recent comments in which CNBC reports Musk as saying he has a "super bad feeling" about the economy. The news organization follows this report with a transcribed message to employees sharing, "Tesla will be reducing salaried headcount by 10% as we have become overstaffed in many areas. Note this does not apply to anyone actually building cars, battery packs or installing solar. Hourly headcount will increase."

Musk has no shortage of predictions for the future, but this track record has some questionable accuracy, as shared by Fortune. Some highlights of past bold claims include a 2016 tweet claiming we'd be able to summon Teslas from anywhere within two years and a 2017 claim with Engadget that within four years, we would have chips available to help heal brain injuries. While headline-worthy, it may be safe to say Musk is not widely considered an expert on the economy, but does his claim still hold weight?

Twitter loves a good throwdown

If you ask President Joe Biden, Elon Musk might want to shift his focus to his own business. In remarks shared by Bloomberg, Biden says, "While Elon Musk is talking about that, Ford is increasing their investment overwhelmingly," noting the expected increased competition for electric cars. Adds Biden in his mic drop, "So, you know — lots of luck on his trip to the moon."

Musk appeared to take the shade in stride, replying, "Thanks Mr President!" and linking to an article discussing a NASA/SpaceX partnership. 

Yet while Musk tried to brush off the comment, the Twitter-verse had other feelings. As columnist Linette Lopez shares, "For all of you who still do not understand what 'shade' is, @POTUS just gave you a masterclass via @elonmusk." Activist Scott shares, "Elon Musk will lay off 10% of @Tesla workers. The stock dropped 9%. Pres. @JoeBiden was quick to say that Ford and Chrysler are adding workers to build electric vehicles." Yet another account listed as "A Black Woman" shares, "Joe Biden pretty much told Elon Musk if you're unhappy with his economy then take your a** to the f****ng moon."

As with any comments in our politically polarized culture, of course there were many comments with the opposing view as well. One notable reply begins simply, "This President, Biden, has his head up his backside..."  So backside or backhand — we'll let you decide — but when it comes to snappy come backs, we're here for it.
