What Kelsey Wang Wants Y&R Fans To Know About Allie - Exclusive

Allie Nguyen has certainly found a special place in Jack Abbott's heart this season on "The Young and the Restless." However, she's even more near and dear to the actress who plays her. Much like the characters in "Y&R," actress Kelsey Wang has been led through loads of twists and turns throughout her life. After starting out in investment banking, she's now found herself as the star of a soap opera.

When Wang first read the role of Jack's long-lost granddaughter, she knew she was born to play her. "It was a role that is very close to my heart," the actress shared during an exclusive interview with Women Lifestyle. "Because she also moved here from Vietnam. I moved here from Singapore when I was young, and she's motivated — she built her own career by herself, which is essentially what I did."

When Allie first stepped foot in Genoa City, it left fans wondering what in the world would happen next. "It's funny, because they've written Allie as such a great, kind person, and even then, the audience is suspicious," Wang told us. To help clear things up, there's something she wants everyone to know about Allie: Her intentions are not what you think.

Allie isn't out to get anyone

When Kelsey Wang first read what fans thought of Allie, she was confused as to why they were so suspicious of the aspiring chemical engineer. "I'm like, 'What in the story has caused you to be suspicious?' There's literally nothing," Wang told Women Lifestyle. "The writers have written her in such a positive light."

After everything the audience has been through these last 49 seasons, they aren't ready to trust the new girl in town just yet. Even so, Wang assured us that Allie really isn't after Jack Abbott's money, and she isn't pining after a position at Jabot Cosmetics. In fact, when Wang was first given a script, she quickly noted Allie wasn't bad-guy material. "It was clear that they were not going to make her a villain," she said. "But there's backstory."

Allie may not be out to backstab any of the other stars, but she does have some baggage that will be revealed over the course of the season. "Allie does have her secrets," Wang told us. "It's not in a bad way that will hurt anyone, but she has a backstory. There are flaws, there are strengths, and then there are flaws to anyone."

New episodes of "The Young and the Restless" air weekdays on CBS.
