How The April 30 Solar Eclipse Will Affect Earth Signs

The new moon on April 30 is not just the start to a new lunar phase, but it's also a Black Moon and a solar eclipse. Talk about being extra. This will also be the first solar eclipse of 2022, so you do not want to miss it. For anyone looking to see the celestial event happening in the sky, you'll need to be on the lookout around 4:28 p.m. ET, according to Today. This will be when the moon and sun align to block the sun's rays. Of course, this will only be a partial solar eclipse, so the moon will cover only a part of the sun (via 

Just like with every new moon and solar eclipse, the movement of celestial bodies in the sky has a slight effect on each one of the zodiac signs. It may vary from sign to sign, but you can also find some similarities within each element of the zodiac. For instance, if you possess an Earth sign, you'll relate to this solar eclipse happening within fellow Earth sign Taurus and find it's grounding presence beneficial. In fact, it may push each one of the Earth signs to try something new. 

Taurus, let the spotlight shine on you

Each one of the Earth signs — Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn — will find themselves pushed out of their comfort zone during the April 30 solar eclipse. While Taurus — born around April 20 to May 20 — usually thrive in comfort. You are a stable queen who loves the familiar. It's part of why your such a good Earth sign. 

Since this new moon is happening during your time of the year, you may be most excited to hear what the April 30 solar eclipse has in store for you — and it's all good. While you usually go for the norm, you're feeling a sense of pride right now. This is the perfect time to break through that comfort zone and allow the spotlight to shine on you. According to Today, a great way to celebrate the day is put yourself out there. If you've got a new 'fit in your closet you've been dying to put on, now is the time. Don't forget to snap a cut OOTD pic to post on Instagram as well. Even Cosmopolitan agrees that this new moon and solar eclipse should be about taking a break and treating yourself to a little me time. 

Virgo, it's time to get out of your comfort zone

Anyone born between August 23 and September 22 is a Virgo, who always looks like they've got their life together. While you definitely work hard behind the scenes, you give off an effortlessly perfect persona to everyone else. As a grounded Earth sign, you love the details and having things organized. This may be difficult to achieve right now as, according to Today, this April 30 solar eclipse is begging for you to try something new. 

You're feeling a sense of adventure brewing inside, so follow your instincts to get out and do something. Just like your fellow Earth sign, Taurus, feel free to put a pause on whatever you're working on right now and just have fun on April 30. Since the cosmic day falls on a Saturday, go ahead and plan a girls' night out with your best friends or plan a weekend trip to visit a place you've always wanted to see with your partner. Even Cosmopolitan recommends you invite along your friends and partner on this new adventure to help you navigate any new information you take in along the way. 

Capricorn, it's time to flirt

As "the hardest workers of the zodiac," according to Cosmopolitan, anyone born between December 22 and January 20 is used to putting their work and goals before anything else. However, this solar eclipse on April 30 is having you take a pause from all of that to focus on your love life. It seems all Earth signs just need to take a break this Taurus season, and honestly, you deserve it. As a Capricorn, you may be sensing your desire to focus on the romance department in your life. Even if you don't have a love life and are single, Today recommends for this new moon and solar eclipse, you should get out your comfort zone and go for it. 

This could mean planning a girls' night out. Call up any Virgo friends looking for an adventure, and go somewhere you can get your flirt on. If you are happily in a relationship, this solar eclipse is a great time to plan a fun date night with your partner as well. Cosmopolitan even interprets this romantic vibe as a time to romanticize your life, so you could follow in your fellow Earth sign Taurus' footsteps by posting some pics to Instagram of your fabulous life. Whatever you do, it's all about taking a romantic approach to your next steps. 
