Ireland Baldwin Gets Candid About Substance Abuse On The Red Table Talk

Earlier this month, Ireland Baldwin revealed how she really felt about dad Alec Baldwin's growing brood. In the process, the model went deep on her struggles with growing up in the public eye. 

Ireland shared a lengthy Instagram post, in which she detailed how moving out of Hollywood and focusing on what's truly important has helped her reconsider everything in her life. The model admitted, "I have been called some version of fat, ugly, worthless and irrelevant by grown adults on the internet since I was a kid. It's nothing new."

She added, "Paparazzi have followed me around for whatever boring reason and have snapped photos all up, in, and around my ass, cellulite, back fat, double chin, tits, you name it! It's invasive and super lame, but it's out of my control." 

As a result, Ireland acknowledged battling eating disorders for much of her life. Thankfully, she's over the worst of it now and can finally enjoy food the way it's meant to be enjoyed, without guilt or shame.

In fact, everyone was praising Ireland's new selfies after she confidently posted several shots of her body in all its unedited glory. After sharing her struggles with fans and getting such a positive response, Ireland is opening up once again about her issues elsewhere.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, or know someone who is, help is available. Visit the National Eating Disorders Association website or contact NEDA's Live Helpline at 1-800-931-2237. You can also receive 24/7 Crisis Support via text (send NEDA to 741-741).

Ireland Baldwin shared her rock bottom moment with Willow Smith

During a recent appearance on "Red Table Talk," the Facebook Watch series hosted by Jada Pinkett Smith and daughter Willow Smith, Ireland Baldwin opened up about the moment she realized her substance abuse was negatively affecting her life. 

Acknowledging there was one night, in particular, when she "went way too far with drinking and taking pills," the model explained how she had cut herself off from everybody in her life due to being "so ashamed of what I had become and how I was living." Ireland couldn't even go to sleep at night sober, pointing out, "I have a lot of alcoholism and drug addiction in my family."

Moreover, the daughter of Hollywood A-listers Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin had become enslaved by her eating disorders, too, describing how "emaciated" and "lifeless" she was, to the extent Ireland couldn't even bear to face her family. As a result, Ireland reached a breaking point, realizing something had to change. 

Back in 2015, the model voluntarily checked herself into a drug and alcohol treatment center, as CBS News reported at the time. Ireland felt the need to set the record straight in since-deleted tweets following news reports about her constant partying. At the time, she promised to share the full story when the time was right.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
