This Will Help To Heal Body Acne By Summer

While we all tend to have different opinions on a myriad of topics, if there's one thing that all of us are pretty much on the same page about, it's the fact that acne is super annoying — and that's putting it mildly. Truly, is there anything worse than getting a zit on your face the day before a big event? Or how about buying the perfect sundress or bikini and then trying to figure out how to hide the pimples or acne scars that may be on your back or shoulders? Yeah, acne — including body acne — takes aggravation to an entirely different level!

Although you probably know that acne is caused by bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells that get clogged in your hair follicles and pores which results in inflammation, Well + Good shares that hormonal fluctuations, product build-up, and excessive sweating are additional factors that can lead to acne being on your chest, back, and other parts of your body.

While it may seem that these kinds of breakouts are just something that you have to grin and bear, there are all-natural remedies that can help them to heal at a faster rate. Here are 12 that are gentle on the skin, easy on your wallet, and pretty effective too.

Sulfur soap dries out sebum and exfoliates the skin

If you're looking for a cleanser that fights acne (and acne scars) head on, sulfur soap is definitely one that you should try. Healthline shares that the powerful antimicrobial properties in it can help to dry out the sebum and dead skin cells that can clog up your pores. Another real perk about this particular kind of soap is it can soften the top layer of your skin to produce an exfoliating effect which can minimize the appearance of acne scars (via Byrdie).

If you do decide to give this a shot, the main thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't use it along with acne medication because it could prove to be too drying. Also, remember that it is sulfur. If you've ever smelled sulfur before then you know that it has the tendency to smell like rotten eggs. However, it's important to keep in mind that the scent tends to pass after 30 minutes or so. And since the results are so promising, dealing with the stench for a little bit is usually well worth it in the long run.

Witch hazel kills acne-causing bacteria and reduces skin irritation

If money is really tight but you need a body acne remedy that will work in a pinch, witch hazel is an option that will not disappoint. It's a plant that contains tannins that help to hydrate your skin, kill bacteria, and reduce bodily inflammation. That's why a lot of people like to use it for healing mild wounds, treating insect bites, soothing scalp irritation, and even reducing vaginal dryness (via WebMD).

As far as acne is concerned, witch hazel is great because it contains compounds that help to target the bacteria that causes inflammation. It also serves as an astringent that isn't too harsh on your skin. Since you can easily find a bottle at your local drug or grocery store for usually under a few dollars, that makes it a real winner in the skincare department.

(By the way, Healthline shares that witch hazel can also help to treat sunburn which is something else that makes it ideal for the summer season).

Tea tree oil is a great spot treatment for pimples

Everyday Health shares that tea tree oil is derived from Australian tea tree leaves, and is a great option for acne. In one of their articles, Jennifer Holman, a board-certified dermatologist and the regional president of U.S. Dermatology Partners in East and South Texas, shared, "We turn to it for its antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, and there are a lot of ways it can be utilized on skin, hair, and nails as a natural treatment." That's why tea tree oil is so good at treating skin and fungal infections and cleaning mild wounds.

Because there are studies to support that tea tree oil can kill propioni acnes bacteria and since that's the bacteria that ultimately leads to breakouts, the moment that you feel a pimple coming on, tea tree oil can literally stop it in its tracks (via Verywell Health).

A word of caution. Although this oil is really potent, it can irritate your skin if it's not diluted first. The carrier oils that you should mix with it that can help to heal acne as well include olive, coconut, and sweet almond (via Healthline).

Oregano oil kills bacteria that causes acne

When a lot of people think of oregano or oregano oil, it's in the context of it being an herb that's used for dishes that they prepare in the kitchen. And while it can make things taste so much better, there are many health benefits that come from it too. According to Healthline, oregano oil can help to lower your cholesterol levels, treat yeast infections, and improve your gut health. Plus, it's got lots of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and — since it also helps to fight bacteria — it can serve as an all-natural antibiotic.

It's that last part that makes oregano oil a good spot treatment solution for pimples, as its antimicrobial properties help to kill acne-causing bacteria. Plus, it can also help to reduce the inflammation of your pimples. Just make sure to keep in mind that the oil can be pretty strong, so you might want to dilute it with a carrier oil before applying.

The vitamin C in berries helps to even out your skin tone

It might surprise you that vitamin C is considered to be an essential vitamin. What that boils down to is it's the kind of nutrient that your system doesn't naturally produce, which means you have to get it from a supplement or foods like kale, citrus fruit, and berries. As far as how much your body needs, women typically require somewhere around 75 mg a day while men need 90 mg a day (via Healthline).

WebMD shares that vitamin C is good for you because it helps to strengthen your immune system, helps your body to form collagen, and it removes a lot of free radicals from your body. Meanwhile, Healthline states that vitamin C can be beneficial when it comes to fighting body acne because it's great at evening out your skin tone when your skin is healing from a breakout.

One of the foods that's able to do this are berries. Since they're in season during the summer, try and consume as many as possible in order to get that great summertime skin glow.

Kiwi contains papain and can help new skin to develop

A tiny fruit that packs a really powerful punch is kiwi. It's full of vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, and iron — it's also got a good amount of protein in it. According to WebMD, the vitamin C in this fruit can ease asthma-related symptoms while the fiber can help to relieve constipation. In addition, kiwi is also able to increase collagen production in your skin, help to lower your blood pressure, and even improve your quality of sleep (via Medical News Today).

Kiwi is beneficial when it comes to fighting acne because it contains a good amount of proteolytic enzymes — a specific enzyme that's in them is called papain. It's essential as it relates to breakouts because it helps to speed up the healing process of wounds (when you pop a pimple, it creates a minor wound). It also accelerates the process of new cell growth too (via Healthline).

Honey and cinnamon kill bacteria and reduce inflammation

A delicious food is honey. A delicious spice is cinnamon. Health-wise, honey is good for you because the properties in it can help to regulate your blood sugar levels, prevent heart disease, and suppress coughing (via Healthline). Cinnamon contains properties that can help to lower your blood sugar and protect against certain forms of cancer (via Healthline).

Antioxidants are in honey and cinnamon. That, along with the medicinal and anti-inflammatory properties in cinnamon that can fight off bacterial and fungal infections, makes consuming them together (or creating a paste that you can apply directly to your pimples) another all-natural acne remedy.

Just make sure that if you decide to go this route that you look for raw honey rather than the commercial kind. That way, you can feel confident that you're getting honey in its purest form, so that you can receive as many of its skin benefits as possible (via Healthline).

Spearmint tea reduces acne breakouts

Do you enjoy tea that has a minty taste to it? If so, whether you like it hot or cold, you should definitely add some spearmint tea to your diet. It's full of antioxidants. It helps to balance out your hormones. It can help to improve your memory. It can help to lower your blood sugar levels. It even has a reputation for reducing stress levels (via Healthline). Is it a wonder tea? Sounds like it. 

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal once told Vogue that the reason why you should consider consuming a couple of cups of spearmint tea on a daily basis is because it has the potential to reduce breakouts by as much as 25 to 50% over time. A part of the reason is because it's the most powerful kind of mint there is when it comes to killing bacteria.

Since spearmint is a tea that also helps to reduce facial hair, without question it's a drink that can be perfect for enjoying while spending time by the pool or beach.

Consuming less dairy can decrease breakouts too

Growing up, you probably heard that dairy is good for you because it helps to build strong teeth and bones. While there is still some truth to that, more studies reveal that whole milk is linked to heart disease (via Today), the high fat content is linked to cancer risks and type 2 diabetes and, reportedly as many as 15% of Caucasians and 70% of African Americans deal with some level of lactose intolerance.

Since diary has the potential to produce inflammation within the body (via Healthline), that's a part of the reason why it's also something that could trigger breakouts. Also, its fat content can increase the chances of getting acne; especially in adolescents.

That's why, just to be on the safe side, it might be a good idea to explore some dairy alternatives like almond and coconut milk, dairy-free yogurt, and ice cream that's made out of nut milks like cashew milk (via Medical News Today). You can still get the calcium you need while reducing your body acne risks.

Dry brushing unclogs pores

If you're looking for something that can help to remove dead skin cells, improve digestion, increase blood circulation, and detoxify your system overall, look no further than dry brushing. Dry brushing consists of using a dry soft-bristle brush to gently massage your skin, and the practice has some seriously impressive results.

When you stop to think about all of the reasons why dry brushing is so beneficial, it makes sense that it would be another acne-fighting solution. Since it is such a powerful exfoliator, it can help to unclog your pores so that there is less inflammation that could lead to a breakout. Since it also helps to detoxify your system, dry brushing can also help to reduce pimple formation from the inside out.

Another bonus with dry brushing is it can reduce the signs of cellulite too. The main thing to keep in mind with this skincare tip is to go with a soft brush and to be careful if you've got sensitive skin or a skin condition like psoriasis; if either is the case, dry brushing could end up irritating your skin and ultimately doing more harm than good (via Healthline).

Jojoba oil moisturizes skin while reducing sebum production at the same time

A carrier oil that's considered to be a beauty fan favorite is jojoba. Prevention states that the vitamins A and E and fatty acids that it contains make jojoba an oil that's a wonderful moisturizer. Jojoba oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe dry skin, properties that can slow down the signs of aging, compounds that can bring dandruff relief and condition your hair, and that the copper that's in jojoba can help to stop premature greying in its tracks.

Jojoba oil is great for body acne because it can help to balance out the sebum that your system produces (via Healthline). Also, the antimicrobial properties in this kind of oil can fight acne-causing bacteria.

So, if you're looking for an oil that will fight body acne while giving your skin a natural glow all summer long, applying some jojoba oil every day is something that you'll definitely want to try.

Shea butter fades acne scars

When it comes to the origin of shea butter, Healthline probably explains it best – it's a fat that comes from trees in West Africa. Because it's loaded with vitamins and fatty acids, shea butter is an awesome moisturizer and reliever of chapped lips. Not only that but shea butter can also help to boost collagen production, smooth the appearance of fine lines, protect your skin from UV ray damage, treat dandruff, and can even reduce hair breakage. So yes, it is definitely an all-the-way-around beauty treatment.

Something that makes it super notable as it relates to body acne is shea butter can help to fade the appearance of acne scars (via Byrdie). This is really great news considering the fact that one in five people reportedly end up with some sort of scarring following a breakout. And since it's a healing oil that's relatively light, you don't have to worry about it causing more breakouts after applying it. It really is just what you and your skin need in time for the summer season!
