Why Fans Are Worried About Wendy Williams After Her Latest Video

It's been a rough couple of months for famed television host Wendy Williams, who has been suffering from health struggles. After contracting COVID-19 in late 2021, the New Jersey native began suffering from complications from Graves' disease, as well as her pre-existing thyroid problems (via Parade). As a result of her health issues, Williams was forced to step away from "The Wendy Williams Show" for an extended period, while a few other famous television personalities took her spot in the hot topics chair. While the 57-year-old was focused on regaining her strength, her show's distributor, Debar-Mercury, announced that the star's fourteen-season run is set to end (via the Daily Mail).

"Since Wendy is still not available to host the show as she continues on her road to recovery, we believe it is best for our fans, stations, and advertising partners to start making this transition now," the company's co-presidents, Mort Marcus and Ira Bernstein, revealed in a statement. With actress Sherri Shepard slated to take Williams' spot on Fox, the latter has her hands full with fighting to get her show back — and another equally pressing matter (via TMZ).

Wendy Williams is fighting for her hard-earned money

On Wednesday, March 23, Wendy Williams posted a three-minute video on her Instagram account explaining her difficult financial situation. The reality star explained that her bank, Wells Fargo, has frozen her account, claiming that she needs a guardian to handle her funds. Williams accused her former financial advisor of keeping her from what is rightfully hers. "My thing is that I've been asking questions about my money and when I begin asking questions about my money, suddenly Lori Schiller has got no response regarding my money," Williams explained. "I want my money. This is not fair." Williams proceeded to say that the New York court system is "being weird" to her.

This sentiment was echoed in a letter filed by her lawyer, which seeks to explain why Williams filed a restraining order against Wells Fargo (via ET). The letter read, "Despite [Wells Fargo's] assertion that its suspicions are genuine, their decision to deny [Williams] access to her financial assets for weeks without providing her or her counsel with adequate explanation or evidence to support its decision... gives pause for concern about [Wells Fargo's] intentions." 

Williams ultimately wrapped up her Instagram video by saying, "Please let me have access to my money. This is not right and, again, this not fair," before wishing her listeners a "pleasant day."
