Here's How Americans Really Feel Going Into The State Of The Union 2022

With President Joe Biden's first State of the Union address drawing near, Americans can't help but reflect on their feelings for the head of state. Although Biden defeated sitting president Donald Trump in 2020, Biden has dealt with many difficult issues during his first year in office. Aside from battling the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic, the steady rise of inflation, and congress stalling in a gridlock (via AP News), the 79-year-old is currently navigating our nation's role in the Ukraine crisis (via CNN). Though Biden is likely to address our collective anxiety over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, and more issues facing our nation, it's unclear whether this speech will make an impact.

According to a poll conducted by Yahoo! News/YouGov, approximately 61% of Americans feel that Biden hasn't kept most of his promises. This poll surveyed 1,532 American adults between February 24th and 27th. In addition to revealing that the President's approval rating is hitting a new low, the poll broke down how Americans feel about Biden's handling of specific issues. 

President Joe Biden's approval rating is at an all time low

With the State of the Union Address upon us, Yahoo! News polled Americans across the country — and political sphere — to determine how our nation feels about first-term President Joe Biden. The news organization determined that only 41% of Americans approve of how Biden is handling the presidency thus far. His approval rating for almost every major issue is under 40%. Biden scored 39% for his handling of race, 38% for schools issues, 36% for the state of the economy, and a mere 33% for immigration issues.

The data also indicated that only 43% of Democrats want Biden to run for a second term, and just 21% indicated they would prefer to see him as the 2024 Democratic nominee. Approximately 43% of Republicans said the same for former President Donald Trump. It's clear from the data that Biden needs to restore the American people's faith in his leadership at the State of the Union address tonight.
