Meghan McCain Doesn't Hold Back About The Ukraine Situation

Social media has been flooded in recent days with reactions to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Some are taking sides, while others are more upset over rising gas prices. 

A few celebs have caught flak for their opinions. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that President Biden is too "dementia riddled" to handle the crisis, and Joy Behar appeared to blame the conflict for wrecking her vacation plans (via New York Post). 

And then there was Annalynne McCord's message to Vladimir Putin that suggested he wouldn't have been so aggressive if he'd had enough love as a child.

But perhaps the most passionate response so far has come from Meghan McCain, who took to Instagram in a series of posts (via People). The former co-host of "The View" is the daughter of the late Sen. John McCain, a strong supporter of Ukrainian independence

She condemned past American administrations for not heeding her father's warnings about a potential threat to Ukraine.

"Everything my Dad ever said to me my entire life about Putin and Russia has come true," McCain wrote. "I watched him give thousands of speeches where he railed against the horrors of Putin and said his famous line that he looked into his eyes and saw 'KGB.'"

Noting that the senator was called "one of the godfathers of the Ukrainian revolution," McCain said that America should be ashamed of not standing up to Putin decades ago.

"What exactly does America stand for if it doesn't stand unequivocally with the Ukrainians?! Anyone saying anything else is a maniac with no business in any form of leadership or a platform — full stop." 

Keep reading to find out what else McCain had to say about the Ukraine situation.

Meghan McCain has harsh words for both parties regarding Ukraine

Although she didn't name names, it wasn't hard to guess who Meghan McCain meant by her "maniac" remark. When Donald Trump was in office, the two often traded barbs over issues such as her father's legacy. 

The former "View" host once called Trump a "neutered puppy" for his friendly relationship with Putin. In recent days, Trump has called Putin a "genius" and "very savvy" for his actions, saying that the Ukraine invasion happened because of the "rigged election."

Other conservative Republicans have been slow to condemn Putin. Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson has called the invasion merely a "border conflict" and wondered why Americans are being expected to hate Putin (via TheWrap). 

McCain was none too pleased by this response from the right. "I am nothing short of disgusted with the abject Putin propaganda coming out of so many people within the GOP and conservative media," she wrote on Instagram

"Who the hell are you people, and what has happened to the values our party was designed under? We are the party of freedom and democracy, the party of America first, America leads the world, the party of justice, the party of Ronald Reagan... I won't forget, history won't forget where you were in this moment."

But McCain is just as critical of President Joe Biden, saying that his economic sanctions against Russia aren't "good enough" and that "there will be blood on your hands just like there was in Afghanistan."

She concluded with a strong — and profane — declaration: "Stand with Ukraine — yesterday, today, F***ing tomorrow, F***ing always."
