The Comments That Got Molly Mae From Love Island In Hot Water

Molly-Mae Hague is a fashion influencer and YouTube star who most notably appeared on "Love Island" UK's fifth season in 2019. Fans will remember her time on the show for her "Love Island" romance with the boxer, Tommy Fury, brother of the better-known Tyson Fury. Another one of her highlights was the hilarious time she passed wind and sneezed at the same time. 

Coming away from "Love Island" has been pretty good for the influencer as her Instagram and YouTube pages blew up in tandem with the fame and exposure the show gave her. She continued to take influencer gigs and was even a brand ambassador for the fashion retailer, Pretty Little Thing, before eventually signing up as its creative director in August 2021, Metro reported. 

While she has remained in the consciousness of the public for mostly good reasons, such as buying her mom an expensive Christmas gift, per The Mirror, Hague has had some awkward and unpleasant moments too, including the time she got into trouble for breaking ad regulations during a viral giveaway on Instagram in March 2021, the BBC reported. But none of her mistakes have stirred up quite the same level of controversy and outrage as her recent comments which surfaced online.

Molly Mae's comments about work ethic rubbed Twitter the wrong way

Molly Mae Hague got severe backlash when an interview released in December 2021 resurfaced on social media in January 2022. In the interview, the 22-year-old told Stephen Bartlett of "The Diary A A CEO" podcast that "you're given one life and it's down to you what you do with it. You can literally go in any direction. When I've spoken about that in the past I have been slammed a little bit, with people saying 'it's easy for you to say that because you've not grown up in poverty, so for you to sit there and say we all have the same 24 hours in a day is not correct.”

Those comments were not well-received by many, with one particular Twitter user saying her comments were made from a place of "ignorance at best, arrogance at worst." Another tweet says, "Molly Mae is a prime example of how influencers promote individualist narratives and a very right-wing world-view. Thatcherite talking-points dressed up in 'inspirational' influencer speak"

Per HuffPost, Molly Mae eventually apologized for the comments via an Instagram story, saying that her comments were not made with malice. "I completely appreciate that things can affect different people in different ways, however, I just want to stress that I would never intend to hurt or upset anyone by anything that I say or do," she wrote.
