Melania Trump Dives Even Deeper Into The World Of NFTs

Back in December, Twitter went wild when former first lady Melania Trump announced she was auctioning off an NFT for charity. For the uninitiated, an NFT is a non-fungible token or basically a piece of digital artwork in this case. Trump's first foray into the world of NFTs saw her offering up an image of her eyes.

Soon social media would bash the former model when it was widely reported she purchased her own NFT. But the virtual lashing isn't stopping Trump from continuing to dive deeper into the world of NFTs. As The Hill reports, she is now selling a full line of $50 images. This new offering showcases "iconic moments from President Trump's administration" and is aptly dubbed the "POTUS NFT Collection" according to The Hill, which also reports the collection will be available on Monday, February 21, 2021, which is President's Day.

Trump herself "provided creative direction" for the collection, about which a release she shared on Twitter states there will be ten original pieces, such as the controversial former president's Fourth of July trip to Mount Rushmore. Interestingly, an "element of surprise" has been incorporated into this concept, as it seems you won't know what piece of artwork you own until after the purchase.

Melania Trump's NFT collection is being widely criticized

As CBS News notes, the collection of 10,000 images in the "POTUS NFT Collection" is the third time Trump has been behind digital artwork sales. After the "cobalt blue eyes" scandal, the second project was called "Head of State" and chronicled items from her husband's 2018 visit with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Not surprisingly, this latest effort, about which she said in the release, "I am proud to expand upon my NFT platform and am honored to be able to recognize important moments in our Nation's history," has its critics, with Daily Beast calling it "bizarre."

Meanwhile, the HuffPost says her last effort "fizzled" and questioned why she would continue to pursue selling NFTs. The outlet suggested that "ironic" would be a better word to describe the collection instead of "iconic," since many moments from Trump's presidency created such a stir.
